✍@beautifultragedies : AN EXCLUSIVE WITH ARCHER WEST!✍

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First of all a massive apology for being so late to update its been a month or so and I apologize for that, I had unit tests and the worst is yet to come

So to make up for all the time I have left you guys I have teamed up with some one each and every one of you must know of , especially teen fic readers *wink*. T his is none other than , the gorgeous most beautiful and intelligent


Are the bumble bees happy now? (I love the name to be honest)

Another big surprise? Well have you ever craved for talking to that hot ,drizzling sexy dark bad boy in your favourite teen fic? If you have then PEOPLE I PRESENT YOU AN EXCLUSIVE WITH ARCHER WEST! Try not to drool people !!!


1. FIRST 10 ques are with the author while the other ten are with archer ;)

2. *= my thoughts and opinions


1. Describe yourself and everything about you. What are the personality traits I should expect if I meet you? What are your characteristics?

Hello, my name is Bree and I'm currently in high school. I am from Texas, USA. I absolutely adore writing, reading, and watching YouTube/Netflix. I'm really into music as well; alternative and pop music are my life. The Neighbourhood is my favorite band, that's something about me haha. I participate in a lot of school activities when school is in session... I like binge watching shows till I pass out from exhaustion... Okay, that's everything I can think of about me. *J*

Personality traits or characteristics you should expect if you meet me?

Hilarity. I like to think that I'm funny so I would probably crack some jokes and say a few puns if I met you to be honest. I can be awkward, but so can everybody... I'm pretty sarcastic, so expect humorously intended sarcastic remarks. You can expect humor, awkwardness, and a pinch of sarcasm from me if you meet me. Hopefully I answered that question semi-correctly.

2. What is the story behind your username? How, why, when you joined Wattpad? Give us your story gal! How has your experience been on Wattpad?

My username (beautifultragedies) became a thing because of the book "Beautiful Creatures" film adaptation announcement and the song "I Write Sins Not Tragedies" (was like one of my favorite songs); I kind of just squished those two titles together and hoped for the best.

I joined Wattpad over three years ago because I saw somebody on Instagram mention the site. I initially made my account for reading fan fiction, but then started writing.

My experience has been pretty good; it's definitely had its ups and downs.

3. List your favorites and hobbies? Give 20 unbelievable facts about you and one of your favorite characters that you have created?

Hobbies and favorites:

Writing, reading, playing The Sims, baking/cooking, playing board games, participating in the fine arts, and etc.

Twenty unbelievable facts:

(1) Both my pinkies are crooked and have been since birth, (2) I like olives, (3) I've never been to a musician/bands concert, (4) I wear jeans in the summer, (5) I don't like peanut butter or jelly, (6) I played the flute for like three years, (7) I almost failed advanced Algebra 2, (8) My childhood dream was to be a ballerina, (9) I can't get into "Pretty Little Liars" for some reason, (10) I adore Taylor Swift and Calvin Harris together, (11) I'm only fluent in English, (12) I've never gone outside of the country, (13) I can't ever sleep the night before a long distance trip, (14) I'm good at cramming, (15) I have a noticeably larger leg as to where my jeans/shoes feel tighter and it's annoying, (16) I love the number sixteen, (17) I'm a Taurus, (18) I get emotionally attached to fictional characters, (19) I can't dance or sing, (20)

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