Chapter 16

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Camila's POV

I'm all ready nine months pregnant and my belly looks like an inflated balloon.

"I can't wait to get you out here" I say rubbing my belly

Then I hear somebody unlocking the door

"Why are you here Harry" I say not even bothering to look

"I just came here to make sure little Darcy's okay" He says

"What makes you think her names going to be Darcy" I say

"Well I always wanted to name my daughter that" He says

"Well too bad because I've always wanted to name her Luna" I say

"Well she's my daughter" He says

"Well she's my only daughter and no offense,but you have another kid in case ya forgot" I say

He finally gives up

"oh my god" I say as I see water on the floor

"Did you just piss"

"No dumb ass my water just broke" I said getting up and walking to my car.

Harry gets in the drivers seat while I get in the passenger seat

We drove to the hospital

"mierda" I say as I soon start to get a contraction We soon get to the hospital

The nurses   

Take me to a room where I se another pregnant woman groaning in pain

"Te voy a matar Harry por hacer me esto" I say to Harry groaning and crying

"Well I don't know what you said,but it didn't sound kinda nice" He says

"I want my mami" I say crying

"If you want I'll call her and the girls" He says

"Finally you do something useful" I say angrily

"I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that" He says while dialing the phone

I then hear the other woman say

"Get this annoying kid out of me" the woman yelled

"alright the girls and the boys are on there way" He says

I then see the nurses take the woman into the delivery room

"I'm scared Harry" I admitted

"Cami I'll be with you through out the way" He says taking my hand

"Am I supposed to be feeling better" I say joking

Then a doctor came in

"Ms. Cabello would you like epidermal" He says

"YES!" I immediately shout. Harry just laughed at my response

The doctor applied the epidermal and left me with a nurse

"I wonder what hurts more giving birth or being kicked in the nuts" Harry says

"I don't know why don't we find out" I say trying to hit him in the nuts

Harry suddenly jumped back

"Stop being violent" He says

"Well if you had a kid about to burst out of you how would you feel?" I say

"It can't be that bad" He says

"No uterus no opinion" I responded

Then the doctor came back in

"It's time" He said as the nurses wheeled me into the delivery room

I'm sweeting like pig right now

"Don't be nervous" says Harry trying to comfort me

The nurses start getting ready

"Okay were going to need you to push" says the doctor

I start pushing and crying

"oh my god this really hurts" I cry out

"Keep pushing" The doctor says

I push again

"Keep going Camz" Harry encourages

"one more push" says the nurse

I push with all my might until I hear a little cry

"Camz you did it" Harry says

The doctors cut the cord and start cleaning the baby up. When they're done they hand her to me.

"What's her name" The nurse asks

"Luna Darcy Styles" I say

I then hand her to Harry

"Hi Luna" He says with tears streaming down his face

They wheel me back into my room where I everybody waiting

Lauren is the first one to talk

"Can I hold her" She asks

Harry hands her to Lauren

"She's so beautiful.What's her name?" She says

"Her name is Luna Darcy Styles" I say

They all smile

"Okay my turn" Louis says taking the baby girl off Lauren's arms

"Actually can you all go outside I need too talk to Camila" Harry says

Louis gives the baby back to me

"What do you want to talk about" I say

"I want to talk about us" He says

Man is he ever going to understand there never was an us. In fact, he's engaged to Jade for the second time.

"I found out Jade cheated on me and that the baby she's expecting is not mine" He explains

"The baby is actually from a guy named Logan" He finishes

"And now what. You want to get together now?" I question

"Yes" he simply says

"Well that's not going to happen" I say looking at Luna

"Why not" he says

"Because you'll run back to her and break my heart again I mean you've already done it before" I yell

"But this time is different" He says

"God you always say that and the funny thing is now I don't believe you" I say

The room goes silent and Harry starts to leave

as he leaves I say "Just a little bit of your heart is all I was asking for"

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