Chapter 13

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Camila's POV

Funny and stranger things have happened.

Like Harry not knowing that I know hes been cheating on me.

I mean c'mon I can have some fun with this.

Cant wait to turn everything upside down (Evil Laugh)

Harry wont even suspect a thing he never does which makes this easier. Also its almost his birthday,and I cant wait to run it. Plus its funny how he thinks I'm in Mexico visiting family when I'm planning to catch him in the act.

Este wey no sabe con quien se metio.

"Camz is this really what you want to do" Lauren asks worriedly

"Duh after what hes put me through this is the least he deserves" I say to her

"But what if this is a misunderstanding" she says trying to talk me out of this

"How is I'm hooking up with Jade a misunderstanding" I say

She stays quiet

"Yeah thought so" I say

I pack my bags

" Fine then I'm coming with you" She says while opening a bag and putting some clothes in it

"You don't have to do that" I say

" I cant let my best friend do something crazy alone" She says

" Thanks lolo" I say while hugging her

We finish packing and for movie night we decided to watch all 3 High School Musical Movies on Disney.

" Oh isn't Zac Efron just dreamy" says Dinah

"Amen to that" says Ally

4 hours later

" Why cant my relationship be like that" I say while I watch Troy and Gabriela waltz.

"Because your boyfriends is a cheater" says Ally

"True that" I say agreeing with her

"So when are you going to tell him you know" asks Dinah

"Tomorrow" I say with a devious smile

"During his birthday that's cold" says Normani

"Well that's what he gets for cheating on me" I say

Next day

Cant wait to ruin him

Lauren and I buy our plane tickets and get on our flight

"Can't believe I'm actually doing this" Lauren says

(We land)

Lauren and I get our stuff and get a cab to drive us to a hotel.

We go to the hotel lobby to rent a room

"Can we get a room for 2" asks lauren

"Yes" says the lady and Lauren pays her

"Heres your key" she says giving Lauren a key

We go to the elevator, find our room,and get our things settled

" Well I'm calling Zayn and tell him I'm here " she says

"Please don't tell him I'm here" I beg Lauren

"Fine" she says and leaves to another room

I turn on the t.v and see that the vows on

"If were ment to be together we'll be together" says Leo

I tear up because the had a relathionship that people dream of, but it got screwed on one fatal night.

But I know now that some relathionships aren't ment to last no matter how much you want them to.

"Lauren" I yell getting up and I start looking for her until I found a note saying

Hey Camz went out with Zayn, so don't worry


Love lolo

Great I'm alone might as well explore London

I went up stairs to get ready and then I left the hotel

I started walking in random directions until i found a pretty decent store

I saw some cute dresses

I went to try some of them on I stepped out of the dressing room to look at myself in the mirror.

"You should get that dress" I hear someone say the I turned around

"Hey Luke" I say

"Hello Camila" he says

"So what are you doing in a girls store" I ask

"I'm here because my sister wanted to buy dresses and nobody wanted to drive her here" he says

"Makes sense" I say

"So what are you doing here in London?" He asks

"Ya know getting revenge" I say

"Well I'm not going to ask because I have a pretty idea on who you're talking about,so I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that" he says leaving

"He knows me too well" I mumble to myself

I pick out a super cute dress and pay for it

I start getting ready for the party

"Perfect" I say while appling make up

"Camz I'm back" Lauren shouts

"Wow your really trying to make him feel horrible for cheating on you" Lauren says

"Sure am" I say

" Well I'm getting ready" Lauren

We both get ready and go to the venue where the party is being heald

"Here goes nothing" I say

Lauren and I walk in trying to get passed everyone

"Hey Camila" says Luke

" Hey Luke didn't know you were coming" I say

" I wasn't,but I came for the show" he says

" What show" I say innocently

"I'm not stupid I know you're here to bust Harry for cheating on you,and I will be here watching it blow in his face" he says

I kept looking for Harry until I saw him kiss and grind on another chick that wasn't Jade

"Oh my god Harry really another one" I yelled over the music while crying

"Babe this isn't what it looks like" Harry said explaining to her

"Just stop please I already know you cheated on me with Jade,but another girl" I say with my eyes closed taking in the news

Harry just stood there motionless

I felt like the earth was spinning fast,so I ran out and took a taxi to the hotel

Your never gonna love me so what's the use 

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