I'm in love with the Greek God of war! Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I'm not normal. 

I don't know what I am but know I'm not like humans. I may appear to be one of them. Yes, my heart beats the same as a human and I don't have unknown organs in my body that will baffle scientists if they ever found out - I hope. But deep inside me, something else ran through my veins. Something deep inside me, unknown to the naked eye, proved I wasn't human. 

See, I was able to bring the dead back to life. With just a thought I could make fire or ice spring from my palms. I could heal from any wound in a matter of minutes should the wound not be of serious concern. As I slept I was filled with the knowlege of knowing something, of dreaming of events and then having them come true in the matter of weeks. But lastly, the one thing that scared me the most, was the fact that when I got new gifts such as suddenly being able to read peoples thoughts and know their greatest wishes or fears I couldn't control the gift unless I learnt how to wield it. 

I have so many gifts I couldn't name each one. But I do know that whenever I needed the gift, it automatically pulled itself from my soul. I simply put it down to my instincts.

When white hot fire burst from my palms whenever I reached for something I ended up isolating myself for weeks. But now, gifts were thrown upon me constantly - when I was younger and only gained them every couple of years. But now, I was constantly on alert because I didn't know when a new gift would strike me.

As I walked among the sea of people going about their daily lives without a care in the world jelousy stirred in the pit of my stomach. People talked on the phone with a breifcase iin hand. Couples laughed and clung to eachother. Mothers pushed their young in pushchairs with a proud smile on their faces. 

And here I was hands clenched and constanstly on alert. 

"Are you okay, Alex?" My friend and only friend in the world, Scarlett, asked with her voice full of concern as she touched my arm. 

Three and only three people knew of my guarded secret, my anguish at night as I dreamt and screamed and sweat broke from my skin as I battled with monsters beyond description. 

These people were the only people in this universe I could trust completely; My Mum, Pearl, who dabbed the sweat from my forehead and also woke me up when my screaming became unbareable; My Dad, Jack, who constantly tried to protect me from myself and even tries to help me weild my gifts; And Scarlett. Sweet Scarlett was the only person in school to be brave enough to talk to me. 

Like me, Scarlett was an outcast at school from the beginning because she knew there was more to the world and when she voiced her opinions everyone laughed at her. But I knew she was right and for some reason when she looked me in the eyes for the first time, I felt she saw the pain and from that moment on she constantly harrassed me until she convinced me to spill the beans and from then on she clung to me and eventually I became her friend.

Only right now we'd look mother and daughter instead of two friends born in the same year. We we're both thirty two years old and Scarlett had beautiful laugh lines in the creaces of her mouth. Her long brown hair fell in loose ringlets down her back and her brown eyes sparkled with mischeif and eternal youth. 

Only I didn't look a day past twenty one and in the prime of my youth. I had long golden blonde hair that I constantly straightened and it fell to my waist. My eyes were aquamarine blue, bright and doe-like. I hardly looked in the mirror anymore, simply a quick glance to make sure I didn't look like an idiot, because I got sick of physically seeing I was different from everyone else. 

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