Settling In

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Jada P.O.V
September 14 ,2017

We pulled up to the house.This house was so beautiful it blew me away.


Dad:"Its nice isn't it" he smiled

We all say"Yes!"

Me:" Nice isn't the word it's .....commendable"

Jade:" Its means the same thing as nice"

Me:"I know but you need a BIG word for a BIG house" I smiled

The three of us bumrushed each other to get the biggest room.But as soon as we got into the house my cousins Bruno, Jared ,Jensen,and T.I.P were there to greet us we all hugged and talked for a little while.Afterwards they all left and went......somewhere IDK. Then we ran upstairs to find the biggest room.

Michael P.O.V

I just got back from school about 3 hours ago so it was now 6:30 PM.I was on my room balcony reading and saw a car pull up to the house next door.Well I think we've got ourselves some new neighbor's. Well I hope their nice.Today is the day we're signing a new contract getting a new record producer.Hmm I wonder who he is.

Mother:"Dinner is ready"

Me:"Alright I'll be down in a second"

I quickly put my book down and went downstairs to eat dinner.I was taken aback with all the food on the table.There was fried chicken, macaroni, mashed potatoes, rice,stringed beans, and cornbread.

Me:"Whats the special suprise"

Mother:"We have new neighbors and I invited them over for dinner"

Me:"Oh,that's nice I guess" I shrugged

Joseph:"Yeah,he's our new record producer. He's also got children about your age."

There was a knock at the door.

Mother: smiles"There here"

Jada P.O.V

My dad called us all downstairs and told us we were invited by the next door neighbors for dinner.So we all went upstairs did our hygiene, and went downstairs to leave.

Tim:"This is a nice neighborhood" he said looking at all the houses well the ones you can see from down the street."

Jade: smacks lips"NO Duh" she said sarcastically

Dad:"Eh,stop it"

Tim:"A'ite I'll drop it for now" he mumbled, low enough so dad wouldn't hear him or else Dada would've did something he would regret.My dad's not really strict he just don't tolerate some things.We walked up to the neighbors house and dad rung the doorbell.A short ladyabout the same age as my dad '39' greeted us with a warm welcoming.

Lady:"Hello, I'm Katherine,Katherine Jackson nice to meet you all" my dad held out his hand for her to shake and she quickly pulled him to a hug. Which is usually the same thing we do but.....

Dad:"Nice to meet you too and I'm Justin,Justin Timberlake" he smiled

Jade,Tim and I :"Nice to meet you too" we smiled. She pulled each of us in a single hug.

Katherine:"Come in"

We stepped in the house

Dad:"These are my kids..."

Me:"I'm Jada,Jada Timberlake and you have a lovely home"

Katherine:"Thank you"

Jade:"I'm Jade Timberlake"

Tim:"I'm Justin Timberlake but everyone calls me Tim and like Jada shades this is an nice house."


Then some people that looked about our age came into the room.There was this light skinned boy with jet black,curly hair with black pants and a red button up shirt was the omelette that actually caught my attention.

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