The Heartbreakers (Xfactor Story)

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Sminia's Story

1 year ago................

I gripped my little sisters hand.My little brother wailing as I carried him.We watched as the paramedics took away the lifeless bodies of my mom and older sister.

I saw as the police took the criminal.I placed my brother on my frozen sisters lap.I kicked the man in the balls.He yelped in pain.I slowly walked back to my smaller siblings.

I sat back down next to my sister who just stared in space.My brother had stopped crying now.I cried into him as I put him on my lap."Your dad will be here"One of the officers told me sadly.

Now I was going to live with my dad.My mom and dad had seperated when I was 8.Now I'm 12 years of age.My brother was born when I was 11.No twelve,eight and one year old should go through this.For a matter of fact.No one should.

My dad ran to us.My sister finally snapped out of her trance and ran to him crying.Me?I slowly got up with my brother.I stared at him my brother sucking on his thumb.

"Take me home"

Present day.....................

I entered the daycare with my sister."Hey!"I said to the twenty year old behind the desk."Sminia, Alex is outside"Cherrie said.Crystal and I ran to the playground the daycare has.

There my brother stood holding a ball.He giggled when he saw me.Alex ran to us, dropping the ball in the process.

I picked him up."Ready to go home Alex?"I asked him."Ya!"He squealed."C'mon"I told Crystal.We grabbed the scooter and skateboard we always left at the daycare.They aren't allowed at our school's.

I put on the baby carrier on my scooter.Crystal put on the baby bag over her shoulder.I placed my brother in the carrier.I pulled out the small helmet and put it on my brother.

"Ready?"I asked Crystal."Yup"She grinned her bookbag hitting her back as she placed her foot on the grey-blue skateboard.Alex giggled."Let it rip"I said and we were off.


Crystal stopped in front of the store.We placed our scooter and skateboard near the door.I took my brother out and picked him up.We entered the bell ringing as we entered.We raided the chips.My sister grabbed three bags.We then went to get pasta,tomato sauce,shredded cheese and bread rolls.We payed for the items.

Crystal closed the scooter and added the strap.She swung it over her shoulder and picked up her skateboard."So your making spagetti and meatballs?"Crystal asked as we made our way across the street to our house.

"Yes!"I said as we entered."Down!Down!"Alex said punching my shoulder.I dropped him and his two year old body toddled to the living room.I grinned.Crystal helped with the bags placing our bookbags next to our brother who colored in his coloring book.

I started to prepare the dish.I took out the meat for the meatballs.Sometimes I wish life was easier.

Casper's Story

I ran out of the classroom.I hated them.All of them.What did I do to them?Nothing.I'm gay.Whats wrong with that?Mom always told me be yourself and your real friends will stick with you.

Now I have none.

I rushed to the librairy.It was empty.Like always.This school always depended on sports.I think its stupid.Sports aren't the only thing important.The arts too!

But who'll listen to a 14 year old?No one thats who.I started to cry.I was covered in bruise's head to toe.All because of them.Even my best friend turned his back on me.The one I love.

I cried some more.This is why sometimes I feel like dying is the best solution.But then who will keep my mom company?My dad can't cause he left us.



"Piece of shit!"

The hateful words rang though my mind.It'll all be over soon.

Why can't life be simple?

Kyle's Story

I winced as the fist came in contact with my face.This is for your mom and sisters.I reminded myself.

I saw my mom huddled with my two younger sisters in the corner of the room.They were weaping.I felt the kick to my stomach.I felt the tears fall from my eyes."Piece of shit!"My dad said kicking my stomach numerous times.

When will hell end?Thats the last thing I thought before I blacked out.


I woke up to the sound of beeping.




I cracked open my eyes.My throat dry and my eyes tired.I saw that I was in the hospital.What happened?

"Kyle?"The timid voice asked.I look to see Johanna, my sister with tears stains on her freckled cheeks."Where's Mincy and mom?"I asked her worried."There with the police.Filing a report"Johanna said nearing."Oh.Him?"I asked about the horrid man thats known as my dad.

"Jail"Johanna said my hand in her small one."Good that b*tch deserves it"I spat harshly."He's still our father"Johanna protested."He wanted to rape you one time!I let him do it to me!So you can be safe!"I said.Johanna became quiet.

"Ohh Kyle!"Mom said as she came in the room Mincy trailing behind.I hugged her back as her fragile arms wrapped around me."I'm fine mom"I said to her."Everything will be alright now, honey"Her voice said stroking my hair.

I hope so.

Hunter's Story

I layed in the used bed.I can't wait till I turn 18.I'll finally be able to leave this awful orphanage.I've been here practically since birth.I was never adopted.And thats what I hate.

I snuggled up to the over sized duvet.Two more years and I'll be free.Get my own house.My own job.

My own life.Instead of this crudy one.I could finally get a decent hot meal.Instead of cold eggs.My mouth watered of the thought of it.Can't wait!

I closed my eyes wanting nothing more but to get sleep.I want to be daring.So I'll try out for the X Factor.


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