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Every time I try, I fail. I try to think it's a dream, it's not. I try to think him away, I can't. He's too engrained into my heart. We've been friends since preschool, watching each other grow and supporting each other in times of need. 18 years I've cared about him. Since he was a scrawny little noirette from Peru, to when he was a dweeby teen with braces, and to when he was an immature geeky sweetheart; I've always loved him. We've been dating since seventh grade; 10 years. He means the world to me. But now, he's gone. I'm all by myself. I've lost half of me, so what's the point in carrying on?
My life has fallen apart. I don't go to school anymore, I don't do anything but lay on the couch and watch tv. But who could blame me? When you've lost someone who's made you who you are, you find it hard to live. I can still hear his sobs in my head, and the warmth of his arms around me. I miss him, I miss him more than I can put to words. But, he wouldn't want me to live like this. He would want me to live on in his memory, so he could live through me. I need to fix this.

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