Chapter 4 - Theme Park

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April's POV

"So which one first?" Drew said looking at all the rides front of us.

"I'm not sure there's quite a lot" I said finding it hard to choose one.

"How about that one?" Austin said pointing to a large rollercoaster that had about 3 loops in it and looked quite fast.

"Yeah let's go" Drew said before running towards it, the rest of us quickly followed him.

We waited in the line for about 10 minutes before it was our turn to go on it. The seats were in rows of 5 so we could all sit together. Of course the boys decided to sit at the very front. The order went Austin, Drew, Levi, me an then Nate.

I loved rollercoaster but wasn't so keen on those that went upside down.

"Ready April?" Nate asked as the bars came down.

"Erm yeah." I replied with a small smile.

"Hey April don't worry, if you get scared I'm sure Levi will let you hold his hand." Drew smirked at Levi.

I didn't answer. I was confused at what Drew meant by what he said.

As the ride set off, my grip on the bars got tighter.

"Don't worry, you're not going to die." Nate said laughing slightly.

I gave him a bit of a glare and he turned back to look ahead of us.

We reached the top of the track and stopped for a few seconds before hurtling down at a extremely fast speed.

I was non stop screaming as we got faster and started going upside down around the loops. I suddenly felt someone grip my hand and hold it tightly. I turned my head to see it was Levi. He was sat screaming with his eyes tight shut.

A wave of relief came over me as the ride finished. I was wobbling slightly as we go off and walked down the ramp. One the way we stopped at the photo stand and saw the picture of us all. Nate, Austin and Drew had huge grins on their faces where as Levi and me were looking terrified.

"It wasn't that bad was it?" Austin said.

"Lets not go on that again." I said sitting down on a near by bench.

They just laughed at me.

"I wanna go on it again." Drew said looking at us all.

"You know my answer." I said, still feeling a little dizzy.

"Boys?" He said looking at the others.

"I'll go again." Nate said smiling and high fiving Drew.

"Me too." Austin said high fiving the two of them.

"You coming Levi?" They asked him.

"Nah, I'm staying here with April." He replied.

He looked a little pale.

"Ok, see you both later." Drew said before the three of them ran over to the ride.

"You ok?" I asked Levi who was sat down next to me.

"Yeah, just feel a little dizzy." He said.

"Do you want me to get you some water?" I then asked him.

"Please." He replied with a small smile.

I walked over to a nearby stand that sold things like chocolate bars and sweets.

"Please could I have a bottle of water?" I asked the woman behind the stand.

"Of course, $1.50 please." She said.

I gave her the money and took the bottle of water from her.

"Thank you." I said to her before walking back to Levi.

"Thanks." He said as I gave him the water.

"Better?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I don't feel dizzy anymore." He said smiling.

"How long do you think they're gonna be?" He asked.

"Quite a while looking at the size of the line." I said looking towards the ride.

"Want to go on that while we wait for them?" He asked pointing to a smaller rollercoaster that had no loops in it.

"Isn't that meant for little kids?" I laughed.

"So.... Please" He said giving me puppy dog eyes.

"Ok fine let's go." I said standing up.

We both walked to the ride and sat in the back two seats.

It literally had to be the slowest rollercoaster in the world. Levi looked so happy it was like he was a five year old. I just sat and laughed at him.

Once the ride ended we got off and saw the others sitting on a wall.

"Where did you two go?" Nate asked with a bit of a grin.

"Levi wanted to go on the baby rollercoaster." I said.

They just laughed.

"Do you guys wanna go get some food?" Drew asked.

"Definitely I'm starving." Austin said.

"Lets go" Nate shouted.

After we had eaten we decided to go on the water ride before we went home.

We were all sat in a boat. Levi and Austin were at the front and the rest of us were sat behind them. I sat right behind Levi because he's quite tall and I could hide behind him.

Most of the ride was quite slow but soon we started going up a huge hill. Once we reached the top we could see most of the park. The next thing I knew we shot down the ramp and splashed into the water. Hiding behind Levi worked a little but I still ended up getting quit wet.

"That was so cool." Nate said as we got our jackets and bags.

I bought the photo of us all on this ride like I did with the other one.

"April are you cold?" Levi asked, noticing I was shivering.

"I'm fine." I said putting the photo in my bag.

"No you're no here." He said giving me his jacket.

"Thanks." I said putting it around me.

The boys dropped me back home and I said goodbye to them.

"Levi your jacket." I shouted as they walked down the street.

"Keep it." He shouted back.

I then walked inside my house and was greeted by the twins fighting on the floor again.

"Have a good day April?" My mum asked as I walked up stairs.

"Great day thanks." I replied.

"Who's jacket have you got." She asked.

"Oh, it's Levi's." I said.

She didn't say anything just smiled and went down stairs.

Once I got into my room I changed into some dry clothes since mine were a little wet still. I then took the photos out of my bag and put them on my desk.

"FOOD!!" My mum shouted from down stairs.

Before I went I checked my phone.

From SpidermanNate

Great day :)

From LeviTheAwesome

Had a great day, glad I'm not the only one who likes baby rides ;)

I replied to both of them before heading down stairs to eat.

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