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GUESS WHO'S BACK (((((((-:


this is kinda a continuum from michael but now focused on ashton, aight coolio.

/ third person

ashton disconnected, he had no other option when he heard the front door slam shut signaling him his mother was home.

he could already feel his legs going weak in the knees knowing there was no way his mother was in a good state, the second the door slammed he heard a thump followed by a loud string of profanities. he averted his attention to his laptop screen and saw that it was only nine in the afternoon -- okay morning but he was really into panic! at the disco.

"ah um, ashton." his mom called, the sound echoing loudly through the baby monitor, as if she even deserved the right to be called his mother.

he scurried to his door and held the brass knob within the palm of his hand not daring to let go, not daring to turn the knob. he didn't want to face his mom, there was no way in hell he wanted to be anywhere near her but the kids safety was so much more important than his fear of his mom. the knob felt like it was burning a hole through the palm of his hand, the sound of his blood pumping was pounding in his ears and he felt like he could vomit any second.

he hated that he was so scared, he shouldn't be petrified at this point, its been happening for years. years of the same cycle, he should be used to it, grown accustomed to it but he wasn't, how could he be?

nobody deserves to be used to the knuckle kissed skin he has, they shouldn't contanstly feel the warmth of newly formed bruises. not even the cruelest of them all deserve to be treated so harshly in ashton's eyes, he sees it as inhumane how people cause so much pain to those around them.

he's never understood why people harm those that they love. if you love somebody you want nothing more than to protect them from all harm, you want them safe in your arms at all times and their smile to never cease. right? so why is it that so many people feel the need to scar those they love and brand them with their harsh words in attempt to make them stay? it's just something ashton could never understand.

he finally found it within himself to curl his long fingers fully around the knob and push the door slightly, the sound of the hinges creaking caused him to cringe before scurrying off to the living room where he knew his mother was bound to be.

"anne?" he called, his voice cracking as his throat began to close within itself, just begging for him to swallow his words and go back into hiding. "mom?"

he crept into the living room to see his mom sitting on the couch, her head was between her knees and her shoulders were shaking as she sobbed ever so softly in attempt to hid what she felt inside. ashton felt his heart clench, yes he hated his mother for what she does to him but once again he hates seeing others so broken.

it was the first time in his entire nineteen years of living that he'd ever, ever, seen his mother break down. she was strong as he'd always seen her, yeah she couldn't control her anger and she often drank away her feelings but she'd never cried once.

ashton scampered to sit beside his mom and wrapped has arm around her, she tensed in his arms and he prepared himself for a string of harsh words or maybe a slap to the face.

it didn't come.

instead she turned to her side and wrapped her own arms around her son and continued to cry in his arms. he felt her her warm tears run down his collarbone and felt something inside him snap, he tensed up and took a deep breath.

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