chapter 10- Hell was never hell without Heavens

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Author's Note: Thanks everyone that reviewed for the last chapter! I'M REALLY SORRY THAT I TARDY THIS CHAPTER! It's just that I'm feeling the tension between writing and lazyness. Don't worry its summer already so I can update more frequently than ever.

(Oh, and in this chapter, I made it extra long for you, my readers! Enjoy!)


Previously in Sneaky Devil 9…

Mekaela inserted the wrong key, as she kept pushing the key in. She sighed and stopped. Suddenly, she felt something heavy leaning on her. Right away, she knew it was him.

"…Mekaela," He whispered softly, "…I'm sorry…"

"…" Mekaela faced the door, her forehead touching the polish wood paint, her eyes closed. "I think…" She spoke…


                                              --Sneaky Deavil 10: Hell was never hell Without Heavens--

"…Mekaela…" Tyler softly whispered through his lips.

The soft chilly air from his open window wrapped him in his thoughts. He only thought on was the girl who his heart burst for and appreciated for, and no one else.

The night breeze was cold yet it was summer. The white silk drapes that hung on the window blew softly, creating waves to the open air. Not only was the room dark with no light, the ticking clock beside his bed on that maroon end table was silent tonight. It felt hollow all the sudden.

The forever-illuminating sun slept in a drunken state, setting hours ago. It's trustworthy friend and companion, moon, rose to care of their children, the world. It shined ever so bright, not itself giving its glow, but its partner, the divine scorching sun. Everything and everyone had a purpose in everyone's life. But now, Tyler didn't know his on Mekaela's.

He sighed, covering his eyes with his calloused hands. His now lonely heart ached in pain as he remembered her saying those things to him. He felt like a miserable jerk.

"I thought that you were my prince. But I was wrong…"

He would be and wished to be, but what was the matter with him? …Couldn't he control that idiotic temper of his? Why did he get so angry over such reckless thing?

Because he was an idiot himself…

"I'm not that stupid to fall…"

Her words were clear on his mind as she said so to him. He had no reason to judge her intellectuality. Maybe because of himself, that he couldn't trust on. He trusted on her, right?

He did. He very much did. It was just a sudden mistake, a tiny one that was made by him. And he hated himself for it.

He slowly turned to the other side of his bed; he brushed his hand lightly on the soft silk sheet. It was the side where she sat, kissed him and snuggled onto him hours ago. As he kissed those angelic immature lips, he felt full, full of warmth and passion. It was the feeling, which Tyler never had with his previous girlfriends. They were nice but selfishly to themselves. He never thought of them innocent or nice as Mekaela. They were the party type, those who drove you to the wild side. But to Athrun they were just plainly boring and selfish after he knew what they were about, and (that's the raison d'être he's single right now). All they wanted was his looks, money, but not his heart nor feelings. He soon learned that when he met a certain golden angel. She was like brought from heavens to save him.

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