Chapter one. A sad truth

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It was a new day and with the weekend over it meant back to school. Today was armed forces day Josh's favorite school event. As josh walked through the front door he realized that everyone was probably already out back shooting the pellet guns the soldiers brought for all the students. As josh ran through the back doors all the teachers and students started to clap and yell. Just then the principal came of nowhere screaming "let's hear it for the pellet champion Joshua wood". "I totally forgot about that" Josh responded in a loud voice. "Well stop forgetting things" Jen Josh's girlfriend yelled from across the football field. As everyone quieted down josh took his seat next to Jen. "So you said you'd introduce me to your dad" josh said nervously. Jen slowly turned her head toward him and said "I don't know where he is" she responded.
"He's over there" josh said pointing at the corner of the school. Just then Jen stood up and ran towards her father. Josh just stared as Jen's father stood conversing with a mysterious man in sunglasses. In just a few seconds Jen had reached her destination, but as she put her hand on her fathers shoulder the man socked him in the face and pulled out some sort of machine gun. With Jen's father on the ground the man shot and killed him with two shots to the head. By then Josh was up and running towards Jen to rescue her, but it was to late the man grabbed her hair and pointed the gun at her head. Just then two more men came out from behind the one with Jen. One of them shot a soldier trying to load his weapon and the other shot Josh in the leg five times leaving him screaming in anger and with a shattered leg bone, but he felt no pain just hate against the men who did it. Before he knew it a black mini van pulled up and Jen was thrown in.
Josh was now feeling pain, but not in his leg, in his heart.

One year later

Today was the anniversary of Jen's fathers death, and this year there is no shooting pellets in the courtyard.
The military had been investigating ever since the shooting. Josh was particularly tired of having soldiers following him around everyday."even when I still had my cast and crutches they didn't give me a break" he thought walking into the library. Strangely nobody else was in there, so Josh looked behind himself to make sure that he had lost the military officials somewhere. "Finally some peace" he thought out loud as he slinked into one of the computer chairs. As he started to search the computer for any answers to the shooting he noticed that it was already connected to an email address. Clicking on the file he expected it to be one of the students who forgot to logout, but to his surprise it was signed to Daniel Hershel, Jen's father. Josh was a little skeptical at first but then he realized that Daniel had recent messages from a contact titled Buyer. Josh was curious so he opened the message " meet me at the abandoned courtroom, and bring the guns" it said. Josh knew where the abandoned room was, but thought that it was off limits to everyone including the principal and staff. So he immediately shut the computer down and jumped out the school window, and ran to his car. It was a 57, Chevy, he was proud to drive it but somewhat felt like an oddball.
Shaking his head to get rid of the thought Josh put the key in the ignition and started the car.
Once he arrived home he ran inside "dad can I barrow the magnum for a few hours " Josh yelled across the house "for what" his dad responded "I'm going hunting" Josh added "sure take the m4 I don't care" his dad screamed (for some reason). The m4 being a better option is the one Josh took.

By the time Josh made it back to school he needed to put the gun in his backpack. The front doors had metal detectors so he climbed back into the library window, and ran into the elevator.
The abandoned room was on the negative fifth floor so that's what he pressed as he was waiting for the elevator he got out the m4 and loaded it. Just then the door opened. Josh was hesitant to take another step because it was dark. He was not scared of the dark, but of what might be in it. Josh was listening for noises but he heard nothing. Then he heard elo mate. Being startled he looked behind himself and saw nothing, but as he looked forward everything went black.

Josh was just waking up but he realized everything was still black. Panicking he started jerking around, but he could not get loose because his hands where tied literally. Then he also realized he had a bag over his head, and calmed down. "Can I at least know what time it is" Josh said in a board voice " it's 5:00 " a strange voice responded " well if I'm not home by dinner my mom is going to kill you" Josh added " take his mask off " another man said
" so this is Joshua, the so called son of the gun." One of the men said "yeah well I want a lawyer" Josh responded " you misunderstand, you're not under arrest you're kidnapped" the other man said
"Why" Josh said "because we caught you snooping around and we can't be exposed" another big man said as walked out of the shadows. "Who are you " Josh asked "I am Nopen the leader of the underground mafia Cyclone" the big man responded "that's a cheesy name" Josh said confidently " the point is why were you snooping around " the small man said " because exactly a year ago today was the kidnapping of my girlfriend Jennifer Hershel, and I was hoping to find answers" Josh responded " we care little for your life but we care much for your skill" Nopen said as he cocked his pistol and pointed it at Josh "so here's what's going to happen, you are going to kill the men we say to kill or you will be killed" Nopen added " well the you will just have to shoot me because the only way I will is you give me some answers to the kidnapping " Josh said angrily "done"Nopen said and everything when't black again.

It was morning and Josh only new that because he woke up in his bed, with his backpack next to him. The m4 was where it normally would be, so thinking everything was just a dream he when't about his day normally. Once he made it to class he realized there was a note In his desk. When he inspected it he also realized it was a hit list and on it, many names and where and when to turn it in.

Thanks for reading this chapter of The Son Of The Gun, if you enjoyed this chapter please vote, if you didn't I'm very sorry and if there are any ways you think I can make it better please send me a message, And if you would like, follow.
Yours Robo-Wolf

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