Chapter 8: Crash and Burn

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As you drive toward the pet store, you couldn't help but think about your kitties.

You felt bad; you weren't really around anymore to socialize or play with them, and you were worried that you might be neglecting them a bit with this new job.

Sighing, you knew you could keep doing this, someone was going to have to take care of them, just until you got back from work.

Parking in the parking lot, you reached into your cheese burger back pact and pulled out you phone.

You decided call your best friend, (best friend name).

She loves cats too, maybe not as much as you, but you knew that she didn't usually have much to do during the day and would be happy to stop by to see and take care of the cats.

You were happy when she picked it up quickly.


"Hey (B/N)! Hey sorry to call you so late! It's been a while no?"

"Yea I haven't heard from you for a bit, so what's shaking?"

"Well I need to ask you a favor. You see, I've just taken up this new job at this place called Freddy Fazbear's, I'm a day watcher, and since I don't get off until later, I was wondering if once a day you could just go by my house for at least an hour and socialize with the cats while I'm out."

"Of course (Y/N)! You know I'll do anything for those little cuties! So at what time does your new job start?"

You told her when it started and ended and she said that would totally fit in with her planner.

You talked a little bit more after that about life and even the trouble with Vincent.

You cracked up when she told you the things that deserved to happen to the creep.

Which also reminded you that you needed to buy more needles.

Finally you said your good byes and hung up.

Sighing with relief, you got out of your car and headed inside the shop for pets, listening to some jams as you did.

~~~Time Skip~~~

You were driving home with your newly bought pet supplies and box of needles, happy for getting that stuff done.
You were really excited about going home and socializing with your babies.

You were taking the only one-way route that was connected to the pet store and your house.
The street went right past a forest that was lovely to look at during the day.
At night however, it looked dark and ominous, which you wouldn't usually mind, but tonight you felt uncomfortable just thinking about it.

And you supposed it didn't help that there wasn't a single car out besides yours.
What was up with that?

Tapping the steering wheel, you hummed a tune as you drove, just happy at the thought that you were so close to just chilaxing at home.

Suddenly, from out of flippen no where, a large truck bolted out of the woods and into the front of yours, sending metal crunching and lights exploding in peppery sparks.

You didn't even see it coming, not reacting fast enough to swerve to the side or anything.

The sound was loud, haunting even.
And it seemed to last forever.

By the time the vehicle was still again, your mind, while clawing its way through a thick barrier of shock.

The airbag had thankfully deployed, probably saving your life, but it also hurt terribly, causing blood to rush out your nose.

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