Chapter 11: Attack of Toy Freddy

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Your eyes flew open that sunny morning, diverting all around as you slowly re-adapted with the world after a dreamless slumber, a small phantom smile playing at the corner of your mouth.

If you had dreamed anything, you couldn't remember it.

Whatever it was must've been good.

You were starting the day with a sense of optimism.

Once your new clothes were on (A Star Butterfly Dress w/ demon head band and shoes), and were presentable by your own standards, you grabbed your star bag and car keys, making your way to the kitchen so you could take care of your kitties before exiting your home and heading out.

You noticed a foreign pep in your step that was typically nonexistent, and you wondered to yourself what was different about today.

It wasn't the weather, it wasn't your shift with Scott, and it most certainly wasn't the news from last night.

So what had changed overnight?

Well, it was the weekend, and that meant you didn't need to go to work.

Which also meant you didn't need to run into a certain purple pervert or have to deal with his issues!

Once you'd entered the kitchen, your kitties crowded around you, mewling for their food.

You went to their feeding station before realizing that you actually had nothing to give them, since the food you were taking home was in the day you got in that dumb accident, and apparently your supplies got stolen.

You did not believe for one instant that you were delusional, which is what you heard the quack doctors call you after you told them your side of the story.

They still believed that purple pain when he to them that you had never went to the pet store, since he was 'with you the whole time'.


It was strange though, when you had checked your wallet, the money that you had used to pay for the pet supplies had magically returned when you opened it.

Sighing, you gave them the last can of food to split among themselves and headed out the door to get more stuff, deciding to grab a bagel or something at Star Bucks on the way.

You couldn't help but smile though; you were going to take your cats to adoption today, which meant at least one of them might find their forever homes!

Grabbing your favorite fruit, you took a bite of it and headed out to your car so you could begin the day's chores.

~~~Next Day~~~

Sunday was not much different than the day prior. Except this time, you were able to get all of the kittens adopted, finally!

Though it didn't really surprise you, Sungura and Beruang being adults and all, you still were disappointed that they still haven't been adopted yet.

But of course, everyone wants kittens or young cats.

Which brought you to another thing; since the company saw that you did such a good job taking care of all those kittens, they've given you one more kitten to take care of.

He was a tiny kit, only one month old, all black from head to toe.
But what was special about him was that there was a speck of orangish/goldish flecs of fur on his head and chest, and very rare pattern for a black cat to have.

You named him Phantom, because he would always disappear around your house and would only come out of you feed him or played with him.

You were very happy that both Sungura and Beruang got along well with him, even though both were males.

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