Chapter 12: The Future is in the Past

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"Alright then, so who will I be working with?"

Once this question was thrust out in the open, the boss recoiled a bit with distracted confidence.
He knitted his graying brows together, creasing them in something crossed between annoyance and worry.
By proxy, the rest of his demeanor notably shifted.
He slouched back in his chair.

"There are two security guards working here as of now,"

Boss said while piping on his cigar, causing the end to burn red with fresh embers.

"One of them I have no doubt you'll like, the other one like."

Your legs had been crossed before unwinding as a result of peaking interest.
You caught yourself leaning toward his desk in wonder.

"Might like? Why do you say that, sir?"

'I haven't really been around the world, but whatever it is, I'll understand.'


The boss removed the roll from his mouth, expelling a scribbled cloud of white that you almost wrinkled your nose at due to the overwhelming scent of tobacco.

Why people did this was a real mystery to you.

"With this guard in particular, I find that most employees either come to love him or hate him. No in-betweens. It's a bit cosmic, really. It's either one extreme or the other."

'There's nothing about this I understand.'

And you had to admit that was a bit strange.

If you were working among people, you were the kind of person who would always either make friends, or just be in close proximity, or just ignore them.

Meaning that you didn't particularly 'love' or 'hate' anyone you meet (unless it was close friends/family or people who disrespect nature and cats).

So that got you thinking:

What kind of personality could warrant such a polarizing response?

Was this employee annoyingly nice?

Was he a bully to some?

The different possibilities left you somewhat antsy.

"I'll tell you now,"
Boss went on to say,
"Dealing with him will probably be the most difficult part of this job for you. Unless of course you end up liking him. Then that's another story entirely. One that might work in your favor given the nature of his...ahem...friendliness."

Did... Did this worker have autism?
Was that what he was trying to say?
Or was it something else entirely?

"Sorry, but,"
Your eyes darted away anxiously before returning to his, a soft laugh spilling out of you,

"I'm not entirely sure what you mean by all this. But... I've worked with people before. I'm sure I can handle it. Whatever it is."

Boss's eye quirked at your statement.

"That's what I like to hear."

He stood from his chair and maneuvered around the cluttered desk, taking your hand and shaking it firmly.

When he pulled the cigar from between his teeth, a few flecks of ash set alight by fire fell near his chin before evaporating.
It took everything in you not to stick out your tongue in disgust.

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