thirteen +;

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smut warning and discussion of kinks ^.^


"Fuck, Luke," Michael moans as he thrusts into Luke, the blond looking fucked out and desperate. His lips are swollen and he's come twice already, but Michael wants him to come a third time, just because.

His thrusts get harder and more forceful as he drills into Luke, the blond gripping onto his shoulders to steady himself. He nips at Michael's collarbone  slowly, sucking on the bone and turning it bright red as the blood vessels pop.

"Leaving marks, baby?" Michael smirks, rolling his hips slowly into the whimpering boy beneath him. He thrusts especially hard, just once, making Luke keen. Michael leans down and presses a peck to Luke's neck, just below his ear. "Am I making you feel good? Do you like it when I fuck you like this?"

"Yes, Michael!" Luke whines. "Fuck, so full."

Michael smirks, but deep down he thinks about how many guys Luke tells that to and he feels sick to his stomach. He doesn't want anyone else to touch his baby. Clearing his head, Michael nuzzles his head into Luke's neck so all he can smell, see, feel is Luke. Luke's Vera Wang perfume, Luke's smooth pale skin, Luke's tight hole clenching around him.

Luke bucks his hips up to meet Michael's thrusts and they both moan in sync as they touch, connected in every possible way. Michael comes deep in Luke with a grunt and his mouth on Luke's. He pulls out slowly so he doesn't startle a slumped Luke. Michael takes off the rubber before tying it, walking over to the bin and chucking it in unceremoniously.

He picks up his phone from inside his jean pocket and drops the jeans back to the floor before he looks over to Luke. Looking close to sleep, Luke is in the exact same position Michael left him in. Michael sits beside him and rubs his sweaty, gross stomach. He checks his phone for any new messages, seeing one from Brittany about picking her up from the studio at 6. It's only 4 pm so he's got plenty of time."Want me to suck your dick?"

Luke shakes his head. "Nah, I'm good."

"Are you sure? You never got that third orga-"

"Seriously, I was good by the end of the first round," Luke giggles tiredly.

Michael frowns at that and pauses in his tummy-rubbing movements. "Why didn't you tell me to stop?"

"It's not my job to tell you to stop, Michael."

And now Michael's pissed. He's pissed at Luke for not telling him to stop. He's pissed at himself for not asking Luke if he wanted to stop. Pissed at whoever made Luke get into prostitution in the first place. Pissed at everyone who fucked Luke passed the time he wanted to stop but didn't have the power to say so.

"Fuck, Luke, I'm not your job, all right? I'm not going to murder you because you don't want to keep going," Michael assures, throwing his phone to the ground and holding Luke's face in his hands.

Luke's bright blue eyes are wide and looking directly into Michael's. Michael can see the innocence and purity that was destroyed so long ago shining anew.

"I want you to tell me if you don't want to do something. Whatever this is, whatever we have, we're on the same level, okay? I can't tell you what to do. If you don't want to kiss me, tell me. If you don't like something, tell me, please. I don't want to hurt you."

Tears brim in Luke's eyes and Michael watches as one teardrop raced down his cheek, stopped by Michael's finger. This isn't the first time he's seen tears in those pretty eyes (though usually it's from pleasure) and it kills him inside every time. Luke sits up and brings his knees to his chest and starts sobbing. Michael has never seen such a pretty sobber.

When Leah cries, it's full-on or not at all. Full-on means running mascara, heaving breaths - the lot. He's glad it doesn't happen often. With Britt, it's all incoherent mumbling, hiccups and lots of ice-cream. Luke is a delicate crier, a few loose tears and soft hiccups. Michael wants to hold him in his arms and cuddle him forever.

"What did I say?" Michael worries, lifting Luke into his lap and rubbing his back and big circles. "What's wrong?"

"Yo-ou're t-the first p-pers-son to c-care about me s-so much."

"Oh, baby," Michael frowns, peppering kisses all over Luke until he lets out a tired chuckle. "I care about you so much; more than I should."

"You shouldn't care about me at all, I'm just a fuck, right? Just a cheap, tight, fuck?"

"No, no no no, no," coos Michael. "What you are is my baby, and we're going to discuss what you like and what you don't so I never overstep my boundaries. Don't be afraid to say no, okay baby?"


"Um, hair pulling? Yes or no?"

Michael feels Luke shake his head against his chest before he hears Luke utter the word. "No."

"Choking? Over-stimulation, ass-licking?"

"No; I don't mind it; it's called rimming and I fucking love it."

"Oh, like when I ate you out?" Michael smirks, pressing an affectionate kiss to the top of Luke's head. "Give me a second." While still holding onto Luke, he leans down and picks up his phone so he can google a list of kinks.

Luke stays quiet in his arms, obviously relishing in the feeling of being held; being in the arms of someone who loves him. His eyes are closed, his cheeks flushed red and caked with dry tears and his chin is tucked into his chest but he looks absolutely gorgeous.

"Okay, um, feminisation? What's that?" Michael asks, reading off of his phone.

"It's exactly what it sounds like," Luke says. "A guy wearing a skirt and being all pretty and stuff."

"I like that one, you'd be my pretty princess."

"Your baby girl," Luke agrees.

Luke's words make Michael think for a moment. Think about greasy old men with their fingers all over Luke, all over his baby girl. Luke is precious, he's an irreplaceable jewel and Michael doesn't want to share.

"Promise you'll tell me if I ever go too far or do things you don't want to do? Promise you won't let anyone else touch you the way I do?"

Luke is quiet for a second and Michael worries he won't reply, but he mumbles a "I'll try, Mikey," and Michael feels his heart contract.


originally luke was going to say "i'll try, daddy" but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

also about the baby girl thing : this in no way means luke wants to be a girl or identifies as one. It's just a name, just feminisation. he 100% identifies as a cis boy (:

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