Getting seated

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           The way Jesse and I's friendship started was like waking up in the middle a rain storm during winter; peculiar and unexpected. We met in the middle of Winter. Kind of funny how I used that season as a metaphor for how we met. Anyways it all started on social media, where everything dramatic happens. I saw one of his post and liked it. Once I found the courage I commented on it. Thinking that he would never reply, I closed out of the app. As soon as I set my phone down on the table it lit up like the glimmering Christmas tree that was still in the corner of the house. I picked it up and smiled because it was him. We started messaging each other and became the best of friends in a day and a half. He lived 10 miles away from me so we met at a coffee shop and surprising ordered the same drink. We were served our drinks and we sat down and talked about what was important to us, we talked about the government, we talked about nature, and freedom. I looked into this guy's big brown eyes and knew that he wasn't temporary; he was here to stay. He wasn't like the other boys that I knew. He was real, honest, caring, so funny, and just an amazing person. For months on end we would hangout each day in the coffee shop, in the park, in the library, at parties. I felt like he proved to me that he wouldn't leave my side so I let him meet my family. He was so nervous. He made me drive all the way to his house so I could pick out his outfit. After I picked out the dopest clothing out of his messy closet, we left to my house. I opened my door and yelled "MOM, JESSE IS HERE". She ran to the door and grabbed him into the biggest hug. "Nice to meet you", she said with the biggest smile, "I heard so much about you". Jesse being the smart elleck he is responded with "Oh well I would have met you sooner, but your sweet little daughter here kept me away." I grabbed and pinched his arm while I responded with "I had to whip him into shape before he met y'all, he was a complete mess." I saw him look at me in the corner of my eye and I smiled the most evil smile that you could ever imagine. My name is not Evie for nothing. Dinner was filled with laughs and Jesse's voice as he answered all of my mother's questions. After the night was through I took him back home. "Evie, I really like your mother she is cool af," He exclaimed. I just sighed and looked over to him and thumped him on his head. "Keep that on the Low, you can't boost my mama's ego like that." He laughed and stared out the window as we pulled up into his driveway. "Now our friendship is official, we are now officially best friends, you can't leave now," I said as I looked at him. "I feel bad for you because you are stuck with me," He tried to say while he was laughing, "We are getting seated on the roller coaster of friendship, this is going to be fun". I looked at him and said, "Yeah, it would be better if you opened the door and took your lazy butt off of my leather seats". He laughed, hugged me, and said goodnight as he jumped out of my car and ran to his door. I guess we were just getting seated in our friendship roller coaster and I was prepared for all the ups and downs this roller coaster had in store.

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