Chapter 2.

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Hey girl hey! So here's another update! Hope you enjoy, and sorry for the cliffhanger, lol! :D Not much more for now, so see you tomorrow for a new update! Love ya guys! <3


"Come on, just spit it out!" 

"She told me that we can't afford any house or apartment in Seattle so we have to move to Arizona next month." She was crying even harder at this point, and so was I. 

"Are you fucking kidding me?!"


"Fuck! That's more than 1150 miles away! You can't move there! If you're moving there, so am I!" We were both standing at this point. I could tell she didn't want me to do that. But deep down inside me, I did. It was nothing nobody was going to stop me from doing. I can't stand being away from Krystal - ever. Nobody will ever take me away from her. I know that sounds like I'm a bitch, but it's true. She feels the same way. I know she does.

"Cat, dude."


"You can't move in with me."

"Why not?" 

"I want you to and all but..."

"But what?!"

"Your parents wouldn't allow it."

"They might." I pulled out my phone and checked the time. Good, we have about twenty minutes until school starts.

"Doubt they would! I mean like you said, it's almost 1150 miles away. I just don't think they would let you move to Arizona." We talked until school started, we have first period together: gym. Which sucks, because if we do something really tiring, we'll be sweaty throughout the whole day. Gross.

After school, me and Krystal walked home together (like we always do), and we arrived at my house and when we walked in the door, my mom said,

"Hi girls." 

"Hi mom." We dropped our bags by the door, and we went upstairs to my bedroom to talk about her moving, and me moving in with her. I know my parents wouldn't let me, but I don't give two shits if they do or not. I will convince them - hopefully...

When we got to my room, we sat on my bed and Krystal said when she sat down, 

"I know your parents won't let you move to Arizona, when you live in Seattle." 

"I don't know... they can be very stupid sometimes. They think Arizona is a city in Seattle."

"I doubt that..."

"It's true."

"They went to school, right?"

"Yeah, but they still don't know what states are where." She gave me a blank look then raised one eyebrow at me. You know how some people can do that? Well, I can't. But Krystal can - she can also lick her nose, and her elbow! I don't know how she does it.

"I'm dead serious, Krystal. My parents aren't the brightest people in the world." I got off my bed, and put my dirty clothes that were on the floor from earlier that morning, and put them in my dirty clothes hamper. I can never remember to put them in my hamper in the morning, I'm like dead in the morning. I remember to make my bed though.

"Back to this whole moving thing." She demanded as playing with her hair. 

"Ok." I told her, not really listening that well.

"Could you at least ask your parents if they'll let you, and please explain to them that Arizona isn't in Seattle." I heard that. I walked to my door, opened it and went downstairs - Krystal followed. 

Once I arrived downstairs, I knew my mom was making dinner at this point... she always makes dinner at a certain time: 5:00 p.m., can't be over, can't be under. I went to the kitchen and said,

"Hey mom?" She didn't stop what she was doing, but I know she was listening to me.

"Yeah honey?"

"Krystal is moving to Arizona, and I don't want to be seperated from her, can I move in with her possibly?" She then stopped what she was doing, opened her mouth and said,


Hey girl hey! Sorry for ANOTHER cliffhanger! It's almost 9:05, so I'm gonna take a shower, and go to bed! See you tomorrow for another update, and more story! Bye! :D 

OH! Do you want Cat's mom to say yes, no or for her parents to decide to move there themselves? Comment below!! (:

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