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I sat on the hospital bed with my feet hanging off the side, one hand wrapped around my stomach, the other resting next to me on the bed.

I gasp as I slowly start to feel the pain in my stomach my Aunt walks in smiling. I tried to fake a smile but it only showed how much pain I was in. "they have pills these muggles, you know, for the pain"she said handing me a pill and a cup

I popped it in my mouth and swallowed it with the water. "Right well your discharged now so we can go home then send you to school in a few days"she said a smile on her lips.

I just staired at her not smiling "right well change and then we can go"she said then she walked out. I walked into the bathroom and closed the door. I grabbed a blue shirt out of my backpack that has a charm on it so I can put as much as I want in it.

I then put my jeans on and my brown jacket on and my converse and put my hair in a ponytail and put my backpack over my shoulder and walked out of the bathroom and grabbed my wand and walked outside the hospital room where my aunt was waiting with my brothers.

I smiled and Hugged them "I missed you"Al said and I walked out with my arm around him and the others behind me as we walked to the car.


I sat on the Hogwarts express with my brothers and Andy. As I staired out the window I wondered wether I should confront Remus about him being a werewolf or just wait for him to tell me himself

He already feels horrible I thought, I know that I've already forgiven him I thought "Rowen!"Al said snapping me out of my thoughts "we're here"he said I smiled and we met Hagrid outside the station "Rowen good ter see ya"Hagrid said smiling

I smiled "hello Hagrid"I said and the four of us then walked to the exit of the station where James,Sirius,Peter and Jade but no remus were waiting. I smiled at the sight of my friends and Jade ran and hugged me "I'm so happy your okay"she said

We pulled apart and James instantly hugged me "good to see you up and about"he said stepping back and allowing Sirius to hug me "you scared the bloody hell out of me Tails"he said I smiled and hugged him.

Tails is my Marauder name Remus thought of it since my animagus is a fox. "Where's Remus"I ask "he's in the hospital wing, he's not been well"Peter said before hugging me we then letting go.

We walked to the carriage but it wasn't horseless, there's an animal pulling it. "What's that?"I ask as I staired at it "what's what?"Jade asked "that"I said pointing at the animal "the animal pulling the carriage"I said

"Nothing's pulling the carriage Tails,it's pulling itself like always"James said I looked at him confused they can't see it then looked back at it "that's a thestril"Hagrid said from behind us we turned around and looked at him.

"They can only be seen by people who have seen death"Hagrid said then as I looked back at it everyone else looked at me as I got on the carriage. Sirius sat next to me and Peter on the other side of me and Jade an James sat across from us. And the Thestril took us towards the castle, my home.

"You've seen someone die?"Peter asked, Sirius slapped his arm and James slapped the back of his head which made me laugh a bit. "Pete you can't just asked someone that like how you ask for a cup of sugar!"Sirius said, "sorry tails"Pete said as we approached the main gate.

The Marauders(Ramus lupin love story)Where stories live. Discover now