The sorting Hat

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Rowen's P.O.V

"First years ! First years this way"a giant man said as we got off the train

"Come on"i said to the boys as we walked to the docks i sat in a boat with Ramus,Peter,Sirius And James

The boat started to move "Cool the boats rowing its self!!"peter said "and look"i said as we came close to the school

"Whoa"Ramus Said we got to the boat house and walked up the hill to the school

We got inside and walked up some stairs and their was a lady In a green dress and reading glasses

"Welcome to Hogwarts. Now, in a few moments you will pass through these doors and join your classmates, but before you take your seats, you must be sorted into your houses."

"They are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Now while you're here, your house will be like your family"

"Your triumphs will earn you points. Any rule breaking, and you will lose points"

"At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the house cup"

she said then the doors behind her opened and we walked to the front there was a old hat sitting on a stool

"Now when I call you you will come up here and be sorted into your house now let's get started"she said unrolling a scroll

"Frank Longbottom"


"Lucius Malfoy"


"Bellatrix Black!!"


"Lily Evans"


"Narssica Black"


"Tim Brown"


"James Potter"


"Severus Snape"


"Sirius Black"

"GRYFINDOR!!" I heard a few gasps

"Ramus Lupin"


"Peter Pettigrew"


"Rowena Miller" my eyes widened

I walked up to the stool and sat down the hat touched my head then shouted


I smiled and sat down by Ramus and Ed "congrats sis"He said "yeah congrats"Andy said "was that a complement ?"I asked Andy

He scoffed "a complaint actually"he said I stuck my toung out and he stuck his out

"Who your friends"Ed asked "oh Ed this is Remus,Peter,Sirius and James" I said pointing to them "guys this is my brother Ed and his annoying friend Andy"i said

"Hi"they said

I took a bite of fried chicken and a sip of butterbeer then ate some chips(fries)

And a bite of rotisserie chicken

Then I was stuffed and all the food vanished and the head boy showed us to the fat lady painting

"Jelly Baby's"(any doctor who fans out there ?) One of Ed's friends Fabian Prewett a second year

The portrait opened and we steped inside and it was so cool "boys your dormitories are upstairs and to the Left" he said

Than a boy who looks like him came up"Girls the same but on the right"the boy said whom I guess is Gideon

I looked at the boys "night see you at breakfast"i said "night"they said and I walked up stairs

"Sawyer !!" I said as I saw him in his cage by my bed I walked to him and petted him and went to the bathroom and changed into my Pjs

I climbed in bed and fell asleep

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