Chapter 2

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          Poppy sat down from inserting the movie and dug her head into her cell phone quickly moving her phone. Kylie laughed to herself. 'This girl is truly a white girl' she thought to herself. Kylie's phone buzzed yet again. "Lucky, I wish I was there watching that with you. I really wanted to see it.." Josh replied sweetly. She smiled at the text and quickly responded whole heartedly. 

         "I wish you were here with me, babe c:" She wrote. Kylie sent the text and as she set her phone down, and just as she did, the movie started. Ten minutes passed with no reply. Fifteen minutes, then twenty. Kylie looked at her phone for the last time before finally setting it to the side, frustrated. 'I hate when he doesn't respond for so long.' She gets up from the brown, worn-out couch and gets up to refill her cup of Pepsi. 

           "Elizabeth, do you have anything other than Pepsi? Its all we drink." Kylie says jokingly.    

           "We have water if you want that," Elizabeth replies back sacrastically, knowing that Kylie would much rather prefer soda over water. 

           Kylie scoffs and pours herself some Pepsi. She walks back to the couch. When she's halfway, she faintly hears the sound of buzzing from her phone. She practically runs to the couch. Kylie softly sets her cup down and turns the screen on to see if she got a text. As she looks, a look of dissapointment comes across her face. It was just an Instagram notfication saying that MrCristhian posted again. She scrolled through her instagram and noticed that Josh posted a selfie 5 minutes ago. Anger came across her face. She went to her text messages and began to write, "Okay, you're obviously busy so i'll just talk to you later. Bye" she sent the text and waited for a response. 2 minutes later, she recieved one.

       "Sorry I had to do something, wyd?" Josh finally responds.

        Kylie is already frustrated, she doesn't respond. She sets her phone down and finishes the rest of the movie. Elizabeth looks toward Kylie, and she knows that she is angry. 

 "What's wrong, Ky?" She asks. Poppy turns her head to Kylie also realizing she was angry.

"Josh is not responding to me and its making me really angry." Kylie replies. She could feel tears building up in her eyes. She gets too frustrated and begins to cry.

"Awh, it's okay girl." Poopy says as she gets up to give Kylie a hug. "Just put your phone in Elizabeth's room and don't get it until later, okay?"

         Kylie got up and threw her phone in the room then went into the bathroom to freshen up. Five minutes later, she walks out calmer. She becomes very quiet and continues to watch the move.


        "Can I sleep over at Elizabeth's house?" Kylie asks her mother polietly over the phone. 

        "I don't care Ky, do you need clothes?"

        "Yeah, can you bring me some?" Kylie asks.

        "Yeah, i'll be there in 30 minutes."

        "Okay, thanks. Bye" Kylies hangs up the phone and walks back into Elizabeth's room.

        "My mom said yeah. She's coming now to give me clothes." 

        "Awesome." Elizabeth responded while her focus was clearly on Panther. All of a sudden, Kylie's phone buzzed. 'Oh god, who is it now.' She thought to herself. She open her phone and saw who it was from. The message said, "Hey." She thought it was Josh for a second. But when she looked at the name, she was surprised. "Cristhian?" She said aloud. 

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