Chapter 1

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Love. I hear that word everyday. People say they "love" this or they "love" that. They say they love someone. For me, that word just becomes a damn lie.

My head's pounding as Sam shakes me awake. "Chester...Hey, get up." My eyes opened slowly. Sam opening the curtain didn't help at all. "Come on, breakfast is cooking."

I slowly lift my head from the pillow, hearing ringing in my ears. I groaned and flipped the covers off of me. I searched the floor and then pull on a pair of sweats. I hear food sizzling.

Sam is standing in front of the stove, spatula in hand, flipping some eggs around. She turns off the heat and puts a small serving of the yellow food on a plate. She sprinkled some salt and pepper on it and place a slice of bacon next to the eggs. She then dumped the remaining egg on another plate and threw a healthy amount of bacon on the plate.

"Here," she sighed, giving me the plate with the smaller proportions. She begins eating and I pick at my breakfast. A few more minutes of quiet, Sam put her fork down and sighed. "Chester, you have to eat." She takes my fork from my hand and gets a small portion of of egg. "Open," she commands. I open my mouth a little and she shoves the egg into my mouth. "At least eat the bacon," she said. I grab the bacon and popped it into my mouth.

"Sean called while you were asleep."

"What'd he want," I said lazily as I chewed on the bacon. 

"He said you guys have a gig at some party. I think he want you at rehearsal early today." I almost choke. Not another party. Please not another party. I swear...If I have to-

"He wants you at rehearsal in a while. Said there was another house party." That did it. 

"I'm not going." Sam gave me a puzzled look as she chewed. "Why? This might land you in a better record deal."

"I don't want to go," I said flatly as I got up from my chair. Sam sighed and gave up, continuing to eat her food. I sigh and I head to my room, hoping Sean wouldn't call and nag me about the party. There were many reasons why I hate these parties he throws. First off, I quit the band months ago. I was done with music and singing years ago. And second, I'm basically a fuck toy at those parties. Samantha, Sean and the rest of the band don't know this. It really started just about a year ago when an old 'friend', Chris, started telling his buddies how "great" I am. I'm not the only person he's raped. He got to Sam back in L.A. a couple years ago. It didn't scar her too much, but I do worry about her.

I walked into my room, bottles and food wrappers littering the room. I throw some dirty clothes off my bed and collapse into it, still tired and hung over. My phone starts to ring. I groaned and dug around the covers for it. I find it and groan when I see it's Sean. I answer it, "What."

"Hey! Chaz! How late are you gonna be for practice?"

"I'm not going Sean. You know this."

"Chester, we need this! You can't quit!" Sean whined. 

"No," I said firmly, "You can't make me." Sean sighed. 

"Come on. Okay let's put it this way. Just this last show and I promise I'll leave you alone. Elka said she'll cover up for you!"

"Fine," I sigh, "Just this one." I could almost imagine his grin when I agree. 

"Thank you! See you in a bit!" With that he hung up. I toss my phone away and roll onto my stomach.


"I'm so glad you came," Sean says, patting my back. We walked down the steps of his basement. I could here the others fiddling with their instruments.

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