Chapter 12

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Everything ached. Especially my head. I didn't want to open my eyes, even though there were voices calling my name. "No. I want to sleep," I grumbled. I scrunched my eyebrows together as the voices got louder. "Shush," I growled as I swatted at the air.

Eventually I let my eyes peel open, Dave's grey-green eyes inches from mine. "What the hell Dave?" I closed my eyes again and turned away, burying my face into the side of the couch.

"Oh god. You're awake," he cried out, hugging me tightly.

"No shit Sherlock."

"How are you feeling," I looked up and saw Rob standing behind Dave. My chest grew tight as I tried to form the words.

"Uhm, fine."

He gave me a soft smile, "Dude you were out for a good few hours, I know for sure something is wrong."

"Oooh, got me Bourdie. Well my head hurts for one."

"And you can stop there because I'm not a doctor," Brad walked in with a glass of water. I reached out for it and downed it. "Thirsty huh?" Brad chuckled.

"Yeah, think I have cotton mouth," I chuckled dryly. My head pounded. I looked around. "I want a drink."

"You just got one."

I shook my head, "No. Have any Jack? And Coca Cola." Dave shook his head. His eyes were red and puffy.

"Chaz you passed out because you had too much in your system." I slumped back into the couch.

"That's bullshit. There's never a limit." Brad groaned and threw his hands up in the air. "Whatever I'll just get my bong." I reached into my pocket only to groan in frustration. "Dammit it's in my car."

"Good. You don't need to smoke," Dave said as he plopped himself next to me.

"Well I still need my clothes. All my shit's in my car." Rob bit his lip, looking at the floor. I don't think he told anyone yet.

"Why is your stuff in your car? Does Mike not want it in the house?" I shook my head and looked up at Brad.

"He uh, kicked me out."


I half expected the outburst, but seriously, why worry about me. Brad ran his hands across his head, soft curls beginning to grow. "I'm so done with Mike's bullshit. Where's your car?" I shrugged. He stomped out of the room and down the hallway. His door slammed and I could hear angry shouts shaking the the walls. I almost laughed. Why is everyone so concerned about me? It's the record that we should be focusing on, really.

"I-I'm not feeling well," I muttered. The tightness in my chest was beginning to grow tighter by every second.

Rob sat on my other side and rubbed my shoulder. I relaxed and slumped against Dave.

"I need something. Bad," I was on the verge of tears. My stomach hurt.

Dave sighed, " I know. We just don't have anything." I buried my face into his shoulder. He smelled like popcorn.

"What movie did you see?"

"The Matrix! It was so trippy!" I chuckled and felt someone's hand lace with mine. My heart fluttered at the touch. I wanted to look up at Rob, but something I shook it off and gripped his hand back.

"We should all take you to see a movie. What ever you wanna see," Rob said softly.

I shrugged, "Well I would love to. But I think recording music with my best friends is more fun." I heard Dave laugh softly.

"Can't wait to see what we can make together."

Brad stomped back into the room. "I need your keys Chester." I lifted my head from Dave's shoulder, Ron quickly letting go of my hand. "Joe texted me and said your car's outside of the studio." He motioned Rob to follow. "We'll be back." The door shut a little too roughly.

Dave nudged me. "Don't think I haven't been noticing shit." I raised an eyebrow. "What?" Dave smirked.

"Rob. The way he treats you."

"Wha--Dave no...We--It's just-"

"No, I get it man. All acts of friendship. Rob's just like that ya know?"

"Yeah," I breathed out. I shook my head, "He--He reminds me of Mike. A lot." I sighed and buried my face in my hands, my eyes feeling hot as tears threatened to spill.

"I can tell," Dave said softly as he rubbed my back.

I knuckled at my eyes, "Sorry I'm such a cry baby."

He let out a breathy laugh as he's shook his head, "Nah it's okay. If it makes you feel better I've been a bit of a crybaby too." I looked at him.


"Mike's just been a big meany," he pouted and then smiled. "Hopefully we can get through this album without giving up too early. We got a big day tomorrow. Our producer's coming in and stuff."

"Yeah," I said as I looked at the carpeted floor.

"Hey I know you miss Mike. We've tried talking to him. God knows we have fucking tried."

"J-Just don't worry about it Dave."

"Okay.." He tried, but gave up. We sat in a somewhat awkward silence as I rested my head on his shoulder again. I still felt weak from earlier. Just as I felt myself dozing off again, the door opened and Brad and Rob came in, carrying my duffle bag.

"Here," Brad said as he dropped the bag on my lap, "It was a pain in the ass to leave the studio with Joe pestering us to stay and track."

I snickered and grabbed a (somewhat) clean set of clothes.

"I'm hungry. Hey Rob let's buy pizza!" Dave jumped from the couch and tugged Rob with him.

"Bathroom is down the hall. Only place we have for you is the couch." Brad slumped into one of the chairs surrounding the small dining table. I nodded as I dug around my clothes to find something clean. I grabbed an old shirt and sweatpants and followed where Brad had pointed earlier. I desperately needed a shower, and food. It was good Rob and Dave went to go buy pizza.

I closed the door behind me and undressed. I turned the water on and stepped into the small shower stall. The moment the water hit me, relief washed over me and I relaxed. My headache subsided and I let out a deep breath. I was getting frustrated at the same time, though. I wish everyone would stop worrying about me. I was fine on my own. I ran my hands through my growing hair and sighed as the water hit my face.


I walked into the living room drying my hair, the smell of pizza almost intoxicating me. I walked over to the small dining room table I took a slice from the open box. "Any thoughts for tomorrow?" Dave asked, his mouth was full of sauce.

I shrugged as a took a pretty big bite from the slice, "Nothing really, I'm just excited."

"Same," Brad added as he subtly pushed the stack of napkins towards Dave.

"I just can't wait to meet our producer. I seriously want to hear his opinion on our EP." Dave didn't pay much attention to the napkins. Instead he took another bite from his pizza and continued to make a mess on his face. Rob opened the second box of pizza and spoke up,

"I hope recording isn't too stressful. You know, with Mike and all."

"Ugh, I know! If he bitches about how I like playing bass with a pick one more time I'll throw him out the studio window."

"Our studio doesn't even have a window."

I chuckled and kept eating. Something was telling me maybe all of this wasn't gonna be a walk in the park. Especially with how Mike and I acted around each other.

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