Chapter 2

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"I think we should probably edit the lyrics to Rhinestone. Maybe the chorus. And maybe get Brad to practice more. Shit, he plays like he's drunk most of the time," I chuckle as I lay on the floor with my pillow. 

"Mike," Mark begins, but I don't let him finish. 

"Fuse is good, we should send that demo in. I really like that one. Stick n Move should be edited a little before we send it in-"

"Mike," Mark says firmly. 

"Oh, uh sorry man. Did you need to say something?" He huffs and sits down next to me. 

"Mike, I need to tell you something...I--You might not like it."

"What is it?" I ask, my curiosity rising as I look into his eyes. He pressing his lips together and takes a deep breath. 

"Mike--I want to quit the band." 

My eyes widened and I scrambled up from my spot on the floor. "What?! Mark! No! We- we're so close!"

"Dude, we've been rejected far too many times. I think...I think it's time to move on."

"I know. We just need to try harder! We can do it Mark. We can! Just don't quit yet," I pleaded. I was so close to dropping to my knees and begging him. 

"Mike, look at us! We played one show and half of the room emptied out once we finished one song. This is a lost cause man."

"Mark, no...we can do this..." I whined as I dropped to the floor. 

He shook his head, "I'm not that talented Mike. Not for this band. I'm not cut out for this part of the job. I'm not Chester." That name hit me in the chest. 

"Don't you dare fucking compare yourself to that fucker. He went down the wrong path. You're not following."

"Sheesh, calm down Mike. I was just saying my voice isn't cut for this band." He sighed and lay down next to me on the floor. I follow and we're both on our backs, looking at the ceiling. 

"I'm sorry Mark. I get that we're probably not gonna make it."

"No. I'm sorry for giving up so soon." I sigh and close my eyes. 

"It's alright. I get why you're quitting. The first time was kinda silly."

"Yeah. But look at me now. We're having sleepovers all the time," he chuckled softly and turns towards me. "Plus I still get nervous as hell on stage." I laughed as I remebered. 

"Maybe you should hide behind one of Brad's amps while you sing." He laughs this time and sighs. "I know you'll guys get big. Mike Shinoda. If I don't see you guys headlining a tour soon, I'll kick your ass." We both laugh.


We're seated around the small practice room to my house. Brad, Dave, Rob and Joe are all sitting on the couch. "So I'm gonna assume Mark has already told you all," I begin. There glum faces hung low as I continue. "So, once again, we need another singer."

"Mike we could always try to find Ch-"

"I made arrangements with a couple studios and producers to help us find the right guy. I even asked them if we could possibly hold auditions. I talked to Jeff and he has a compiled list of potential singers that have been signed before." Dave pouted as I talked over him. The other look unimpressed at my attempt to push the thought of Chester away. "Auditions should be in about a week. We'll have two days to have people come in to audition. Hopefully by then, we will have our new singer."

"So does this mean we're not submitting any work yet?" Brad groaned. 

"No, not yetat least ," I say shaking my head. 

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