part 2

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That's my shawty
I like what you be doin' with your body
Can't nobody get this pussy wet, yo
And can't nobody fuck me like you can, yo, you can, yo
That's my shawty
I like what you be doin' with your body
Can't nobody get this pussy wet, yo
And can't nobody fuck me like you can, yo-

Damn it's time for my ass to get up I thought as I got out of trays grip it's 5:30 Wednesday morning an my normal routine is..
1)do what I got to do in the bathroom
2) cook tray breakfast
3) clean
4) then start my work online
But since I have to take my prep test I have to go school .... So I showered an put on ah
(Black v neck , ah pair of my skinny jeans , an my concords I decided to curl my hair and do my make up today since I had time)
Once I was done it was 7:09 an school starts at 7:45 so I need to get going .oh! Did I mention I'm going to trays school ... Yup and guess what he's making me walk because he doesn't want ppl suspecting anything that's why I ignored his ass All morning the school isn't far..that's not the point the fact that he's making his PREGNANT girlfriend walk is the messed up part !! .. Yup I'm 5 months pregnant I can't say I'm super happy but I'm happy but ion want to bring a child into this world an the father doesn't give a shit! .. I mean he's happy but he act like he doesn't care ....

As I pulled up to the school I almost turned around it's GHETTO. I mean half dressed girls an wanna be gangsters.. oh Lord

I walked to the office to get a visitors pass an on my way there about 6 guys tired to talk to me about 3 were trays friends .. Ik they see my stomach ...
But I made it to the office !alive

"Hi I'm ameria I'm home schooled and I'm here ti take my tests" I said to the front desk lady " alright here's your pass and you'll be in class room472"


I started walking and I noticed tray standing talking to his friends he looked at me then quickly looked away ...I just keep walking I found my room and I was the first person in here so I sat in the far back. BING!! ...
Once the bell rung ppl flew in her nobody really noticed Me but that's all good ! I thought that every one was in here cause it's packed but in walked tray holding a girls hand.... That's where my heart shattered I should be used to this but it still hurts ..I cried but sucked it up before any one could see he seen me an looked away an finished talking with his friends...
Once the test was over I was able to leave so I submitted it an walked out the class room

' AMERIA! ..I heard my name being yelled down the hall I already knew who It was
"What!" I yelled at tray
I'm s-
"Ion want your lame ass sorry I'm tried of this shit all you do is fuck up tray you haven't been to not one doctors apt. You don't even know that I found out what I'm having ..because you're never there all care about is hoes and money you don't love me ! Cause if you did you wouldn't put Me through this"
An with that being said I walked off ion got time for him an yeah I'm having ah boy.

I made it home and I changed into one of trays big shirts cause it's comfortable N I sat down on the kitchen counter eating a pickles and peanut butter while playing subways surfers

I soon heard laughing and talking coming In the house so I knew it was tray and his friends its about 5 of them and they're perverted I swear but I hopped off the counter an tried to
wAlk up stairs quickly but they seen we go !
" aye arma come here"
See he knows my name but chooses to call me arma .
Tf !
"What the help do you want".
I yelled causing all of them to look at me including tray
" make me a sandwich".
He said with confidence.
"Hell no make your own"
I spat back
"See I was going to help yo ass find yo babydaddy since ik yo hoe ass don't know him" he said making every body laugh but me and tray
"Good one" one of the dudes said
"Excuse me" I said on the verge of crying
' I said..
"I heard what you said and who the hell are you too talk to me like that one Ik who my baby daddy is an two I'm not a hoe I yelled crying
"Look I was Jo- "
"Fuck you" I said an walked up stairs.

Tray pov
"That was out of fucking line Drew .. y'all just get out" I said walking up stairs looking for ameria
I found her in our room in the corner looking at ultrasound pictures
"Ma you okay" I asked her
"No "
I went an sat next to her looking through the pictures with her then I decided to say sum
"Ima change okay " I told her
'You know how tried I am of hearing that know sometimes I feel unwanted unloved ugly fat stupid worthless... I mean I must not be good enough for you anymore '
"No am you're nun of that and I love you that's why I'm gonna change in done hurting you and from now on I'm helping out in every way I can in your pregnancy I love you" I said kissing her .. she didn't kiss back she just looked at me handed me the pictures and left the room

Damn I really hurt her.

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