Chapter 2: The deal?

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       'Who are these people?' You think as you try to be polite "To answer your question, we are the creepypasta, my name is slenderman, this boy here is Jeff the killer." Your eyes go wide and you think 'oh shit father told us the never speak to these men or we would be punished!' "You have to leave now and never bother my sisters and I again!" You say as you start to panic. The boy called Jeff looks at you funny and says "Look we just want you to join the creepypastas the. You can kill and we won't bother you." You start to get ready for a fight "I said LEAVE!" You put out your wings as Jeff pulls out his knife "look you both need to leave now!" Jeff slowly walks up to her laughing. He stops once he is in her face and says "Are you sure about that?" He looks as if he is going to stab you, before he could, you stop you slam your foot to the ground and vines (with out thorns) rap him up and lift him into the sky "Please I don't want to hurt you two just leave and don't bother us anymore!" You say looking at Slenderman 'I really don't want to hurt these people I just don't want sunny to get hurt either' you think as you try to make sure neither attack you slenderman looks at you and says "who is this sunny you speak of?" You look at him then back at Jeff who is looking at slenderman with a 'what the hell are you talking about' look "She is my little sister and my father is keeping her hostage to make sure we don't  kill him." You say with an blank expression Jeff looks at you and says " Who is your father?" You look at him with a glare and tell him that it was none of his business he responds by calling you a bitch you start losing your temper and crushing with the vines "Ow ok I get it don't insult you, now stop crushing me!" You look at him with anger in your eyes "leave me and my sisters alone!" You say as you start lowering him closer to the ground slenderman cuts in and says "I am afraid we can't do that join us or die." You stop lowering Jeff and say "look I will think about going you but until then you leave me and my sisters alone!" He nods you place Jeff on the ground "will you and your sisters at least come and meet the other creepypastas?" You look at him and say you will ask your sister if they want to come he nods and you shrink into your fairy like form and enter the crack in the tree you twin Sara looks at you she is holding you two younger sisters Luna and Ann. Luna controls darkness and Ann controls fire her real name is annable. "The men down there have invited us to meet some people you any of you like to come with me?" They looked at me with shock "But their the creepypastas! Father told us to stay way from them or who ever even speaks to them we'll be punished!" You sigh " I know so I will go and you can tell dad I got out with out anyone noticing and I will take the blame, ok?" They look at you and nod. You leave the tree and grow back to your normal form you look at them and say that your sisters will not be joining  you and that they are a bit shy slenderman does not ask anything more ,but Jeff keeps asking who your father is and why you won't tell them "Look it none of your business who or why I won't tell!" You say as you look at him with annoyance. "WHY NOT?!" He tells you are start to lose your temper again. "As I said before it's none of you business!" He gets in your face and yells "JUST TELL ME!" You crouch down and place your hand on the ground "what are you doing now?!" He yells then rose vines come out and before you can rap them around him you are lifted into the air and the vines fall withered you look to see that slenderman had picked you up with one of his tentacles "Will you two stop fighting for five minutes?" Jeff stops asking you questions until you get to a mansion. "We never got your name what is it?" "(Y/N)" he nods and walks in side with you and slenderman. A clown comes up to you and starts to laugh "hehe I am laughing jack but you can call me L.J. hehehe" you just state your name and shake his hand "ok I met some of you I am leaving and going back to me sisters." You say as you turn around to leave when slenderman teleports in front of you, you quickly slam your foot to the ground and rap L.J. and Jeff up 'if he can read my mind then e knows not so let them fall or they will be poisoned' " I am leaving and you will let me or I kill your friends here." He looks shocked and moves out of the way before you step out with the vines filling you still carrying the boys you say "let's make a deal"

Withered roses (creepypasta x reader)Where stories live. Discover now