Where am I?

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         A pounding in your head wakes you from a deep sleep. There is a soft damp towel on your head. You open your eyes to see two staring down at you. "AH!" You sit up with out thinking and head butt who ever was looking down on you. Swears fill your ears.

"DAMMIT JEFF!" You yell holding your head.
Looking around the room you find you are in a large living room with sofa and a few love seats. Your sisters are scattered around each waking up from the yelling from you and Jeff.

A deep voice fills the room asking if you are ok, it was slender. Moving to check on you he tells you the towel took most of the impact and you won't even have a bruise. Jeff makes some sarcastic comments in the back about how his doesn't hurt at all.

"Well you shouldn't have been that close to me, weirdo!" You say. Looking around you see sunny and Luna both asleep with a large quilt wrapped securely around them. Flare and Aqua are glaring at Jeff for waking them from in front of the fireplace. Sarah is still half asleep in the other loveseat.

Sitting up you are starting to remember that your stomach got slashed open sharp pain seems to make your lungs stop working. Once you have gotten your self completely upright it feels better but there is still a dull ache. Looking at the decorations you noticed that he house has a surprising amount of color! Most of the furniture are warm colors like browns and tans but there a photos and paintings of people you have never seen before.

Some of the paintings look like they are made from blood layered so that as they dry they create different shades. There is a photo of Jeff and some weird smiling dog. A photo of a small bloody girl and a creepy teddy bear. They go on for a while.

As you walk you start to hear people talking in what sounds like a kitchen, assuming from what sounds like pots and pans being jostled. There is also someone yelling about..... waffles?

Walking into the kitchen you see 2 masked figures and someone wearing goggles. The weirdo wearing the goggles is still yelling about "getting waffles from hoodie" and looks like he's gonna cry if he doesn't get some soon. The one wearing a orange hoodie waves at you in the door way. He introduces himself as hoodie... who would have guessed? He says "The one crying is Toby," Toby perks up like a puppy at the sound of his name "the other masked guy is masky." He looks Fonda embarrassed somehow " Yeah we aren't the most original with names."

After some introductions you offer to make the human puppy some waffles. Of corse we happily accepted. While making waffles many of the other occupants of the house flood in at the smell of homemade waffles instead of Toby's usually freezer burnt toaster waffles. Maybe this won't be such a bad place to stay after all?

Hi so I am alive (kinda) I kinda forgot about this when I entered high school so sorry about that. I also saw in the comments I  don't get cookies! So sad 😭.

See y'all!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2019 ⏰

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