Chapter 1:Danny's Advent

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 The wall behind me forces me forward, not stopping as it pushes against my back. I'm in a freezing cold tunnel. It's long, but I can see a brown door in the distance.

 "Where am I?" I wonder out loud. I can only remember my name-Danny. Hopefully there isn't anything horrible past the brown door up ahead.

 I look down at my clothes. I'm dressed in a white short-sleeved shirt, and brown shorts. White shoes cover my white socks. After three minutes, I'm only four feet away from the door. The wall stops moving, which must mean that it's time for me to step through the door.

 I stand there, my heart beating quickly. Fear is coursing through me, making me nervous about leaving this hallway. The door is suddenly swung open, revealing a teenage boy. He's probably about seventeen years old, tall, and muscular. His blond hair is cut close to his scalp, and he's dressed in a white short-sleeved shirt and brown shorts like me.

 "What's your name, new guy?" he asks me, his voice deep."My name is Mason."

 "I'm Danny," I say."Where am I?"

 Instead of responding, Mason grabs me and tosses me through the doorway. I land on the metal floor, my knees making contact with it. I'm inside a large corridor, and there are prison cells on either side of me. A few dozen teenager boys are walking towards me, emerging from a set of double doors.

 "Look, we have a newbie in the Network," one of the teenage boys says. He's skinny with pale skin, and short red hair."I bet he's going to freak out."

 The other boys laugh at the redhead's comment. I want to scowl at them, but instead start to panic. I stand up and try to head back into the hall I just left, but Mason pushes me back.

 "Easy, kid. This is your home now," Mason says. He gestures for the redhead to come over. The redhead strides over to us, obedient."Ricky, show Danny around the place. I'm too busy to help him out."

 "Alright, Mason," the redhead-Ricky-replies. Mason nods and leaves me with Ricky. Ricky shifts his attention to me."Ready to learn what this place is?"

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