Chapter 4:Lunch

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Inside the cafeteria, I make my way to the serving line. No one is there to give me the food, which means I have to make my own tray. Behind me, a couple dozen boys are having friendly conversations as they eat.

 Ricky arrives at the serving line while I was grabbing something that I hope was bread. Ricky snatches the bread out of my hand, then launches it into the trash.

 "Why did you throw that in the garbage?" I ask him. He snickers and shakes his head."It wasn't funny."

 "Trust me, you don't want to eat that," he says without elaborating. He opens the small refrigerator, them retrieves a plastic-wrapped peanut butter and jelly sandwich. He thrusts the sandwich into my hands."Eat that instead."

 I hold up the sandwich, confused."But this sandwich has the same type of bread on it."

 Ricky glances around the large room, as if he's trying to make sure a certain person isn't around. He turns his head, then focuses back on me.

 "No one gets bread from the bread container," he states, pointing at the bread-filled container where I retrieved the piece of bread that he tossed in the trash."Adam puts something in them that makes people sick. Not crapping on yourself sick, but vomiting and headache sick."

 "Well, thanks for telling me. But Adam's a good guy, once you get to know him," I reply. Once I spent enough time conversing with Adam, he turned out to be a great person. He seemed understandably sad when he told me how the other Inspectors died. He simply enjoys pranks and injecting things into bread that make people sick.

 Ricky shakes his head, his arms crossed. Why won't he believe me when I say Adam is great?

 "Just don't trust him, okay?" he asks me."He might be acting nice now, but it's all just a act. When I first came to the Network, Adam was already here and he targeted me. One time I was in the showers, and he walked in. He came in fully-clothed, but that didn't stop him from grabbing me by the neck and slamming me into the wall. He started beating me up, then I screamed loudly to get someone's attention. Adam was just about to stomp on my balls, but Mason dashed into the room."

 A few younger boys are now standing a few yards away, listening intently to Ricky's story. They are all probably thirteen years old, and one of them is shorter than the rest-but he seems to be their leader. He is short and dark-skinned with a black Mohawk, and a fragile-looking body.

 "What do you want, Lebron?" Ricky asks the dark-skinned boy, wiping away a tear."Can't you see I'm trying to tell a very personal story?"

 Lebron scratches his Mohawk, then says,"Yeah, you guys are just standing there and not even grabbing some food."

 Ricky doesn't seem irritated. He just politely smiles at Lebron, then waves and moves out of the way. He begins walking towards a vacant round table five yards away, so I follow him there. We take our seats at the table.

 "Who were those kids?" I ask Ricky, watching as Lebron and his small group retrieve some food.

 "Those kids are the thirteen year olds, the youngest boys in the Network. Lebron is their leader, and they keep the Network clean. Most of the time you can find them playing video games in the Lounge room, or cleaning up the halls and cells," Ricky explains.

 "So what happened after Mason entered the room?" I ask, eager to get back to his story. He sighs and clenches his fists, angry as he recalls the memory.

 "Mason charged at Adam, then tackled him to the ground. I grabbed my towel, then wrapped it around myself. After Mason punched Adam in the face, he stood up and asked if I was alright. Mason escorted Adam to solitary confinement, which is where we go to be punished if we broke one of the rules. Adam stayed in solitary confinement for a week, then was released. Ever since then, he's been trying to get on Mason's good side and not showing his cruelty. This morning when he was about to beat you up, that was that was the first in a long time where he attacked someone," Ricky says.

 "What are the rules of this place?" I ask, which is an important question. It's crucial that I know the rules, so I won't end up breaking them.

 "The first one, don't kill another Network resident. Don't hurt another Network resident. Don't rape anyone, don't disrespect Mason, and never try to escape unless you are in the tunnels, and working as a Network Inspector," Ricky explains, revealing all the rules."I'm glad we have those rules. Without them, everything would be chaotic here."

 "Thanks for sharing all of that information with me," I tell him, honestly. He nods and stands up, preparing to leave."Hey, I want to ask you another thing?"

 "What is it?" he asks, waiting for my question.

 "Why do you seem to be the only person actively talking to me when you don't have to?" I ask. Adam was only talking to me, because he felt like he had to. Ricky willingly greeted me at the serving line, and prevented me from eating bread that would make me sick. I look at the peanut belly and jelly sandwich that he gave me.

 "Because you need a friend," he says, then walks off. He leaves through a set of double doors. I would follow him, but I'm hungry and ready to devour this sandwich.

 As I'm unwrapping the sandwich, a bell rings. Mostly everyone else in the cafeteria ceases their talking, closing their mouths. Someone's familiar voice begins emitting from a PA system located on the ceiling.

 "Alright, Network residents. Lunch time is over. I apologize if anyone was unable to eat, but the cafeteria will be closed so that the thirteen year olds can eat in peace and then start cleaning it. Anyone who isn't thirteen, leave the cafeteria now," Mason says, his voice emerging from the PA system."Don't worry, you all can come back at dinner if you didn't get to eat."

 Most of the boys groan, but obey the command and start leaving the cafeteria. I take my sandwich with me, getting up and following the boys out of the room.

 It's time for me to find Ricky.

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