Chapter 10:The Breakout

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 The sun is starting to set when I step outside. Grass is below my shoes, and I look around. We're standing on a vast lawn, most of us holding a gun as we gaze at our surroundings. The clouds above us our huge and make everything look peaceful.

 A few hundred yards up ahead, there is a massive catapult. The catapult's bucket seems to be able to hold at least fifteen people at a time. There are massive walls surrounding us on all sides. The catapult should get us past them.

 "Will all of you stop looking so stunned?" Mason asks all of us, mainly speaking to the teenagers who are staring at the sky in amazement."I get that some of you weren't with us when we exiled West, but can we just get to escaping already?!"

 The teenagers snap back to attention, then focus on Mason. Mason is standing further away from everyone else, which means that he is also the one closest to the catapult.

 "To the catapult, now!" Mason shouts.

 Obeying Mason's order, all of us charge towards the catapult. Mason runs ahead of us, but a couple of boys pass him by. The wind rushes through my short black hair as I run, causing me to feel a bit of freedom. Lucy rushes past me, her glorious, long brown hair flowing behind her. She smells wonderful.

 Someone trips me, laughing as I hit the ground. My attacker is one of Adam's friends. He's the one who I fought after meeting Jack. He grins wickedly, then goes back to helping a few of his friends carry Adam's unconscious form. Ricky helps me to my feet. Lebron stands a few yards away, looking at me to make sure I'm alright.

 "Thanks, guys," I say."You two are some pretty good friends."

 "No problem, Danny," Lebron says, but is suddenly punched in the face by a large boy who must be another friend of Adam's. The boy laughs as he continues to charge to the catapult. The punch causes Lebron to hit the ground, moaning in pain. Tears are leaving his eyes. I scowl at the retreating body of Lebron's attacker. I plan on doing something bad to him in the near future."That wasn't nice at all."

 Lebron picks up his fallen gun, then stands up. Almost everyone is already halfway to the catapult, while the rest of us are still not far from the Network. The boys carrying Adam are the slowest, since they have to hold up Adam's weight. The chubby boys are moving a bit slow, but still determined to get to the catapult as quickly as possible.

 "Let's hurry," Ricky says, urgently. He sprints away from us, moving closer to the catapult. Me and Lebron follow him.

 When we are halfway to the catapult, we see a group of teenagers already loaded onto the bucket. Mason stands outside the bucket, helping Lucy climb into it. When Lucy is safely inside, Mason climbs into the bucket and pulls a rope that is attached to a different part of the catapult.

 Mason, Lucy, and the boys with them, are launched beyond the massive walls. I watch them until I can't see them anymore. I'm hoping that they don't die after landing. The next group of boys climb into the bucket, then pull the rope and are similarly sent beyond the walls.

 "Those Network residents really made it beyond the wall," Ricky says, sounding giddy. Then his voice becomes dreadful."Let's hope they survive whatever killed West." 

 "Wait!" yells someone from behind us. Me, Ricky, Lebron, whip around and see one of Adam's friends waving at us to get our attention."All three of you guys have guns, so I was wondering if you could help us protect Adam."

 Adam is laying on the grass, still unconscious. His companions stand around him, looking at us.

 "Kyle told us that Adam has to be kept alive, too," Adam's friend says, reminding us that we should help protect Adam."With us carrying Adam, we will be the last guys to get into the catapult. You guys can go beyond the walls with us, and give us better protection."

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