Chapter 2:New Job

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 People stare as I walk with Ricky. We push through a set of double doors, then head into what looks like a cafeteria. There are at least twenty boys sitting at the tables, eating food with expressions of joy.

 "This is the mess hall," Ricky states, crossing his frail arms."We eat here, but only at a set time. This means that there will be no middle of the night snacks."

 I notice a metal sheet covering what must be a window. Desperately, I want to know what's outside this place. If only I could get to that window somehow.

 "Only Mason gets to know what's outside this place," Ricky says, then rolls his eyes. He seems annoyed. Maybe he is jealous of Mason."He's the leader of the Network, which gives him the chance to see what's outside."

 "If he can go outside, then why doesn't he find us a way out?" I ask. Ricky laughs and slaps my shoulder.

 "Ask him yourself, because he won't tell any of us," he replies."Come on, I have to show you your new room."

 Ricky and I spend the next few minutes walking through the building. He stops outside a cell door, then slides it open. The cell contains a comfortable-looking bed, a toilet, sink, and a desk. Ricky shoves me into the cell, then closes it.

 "Are you locking me up?" I ask him, beginning to panic. I lunge forward and grip the bars of the cell."You're going to keep me in here forever?!"

 "Dude, chill out," he says, laughing at my panicked expression."These doors don't lock. I just figured that you wanted to get some sleep, because in the Network we barely get any days off. Be ready for tomorrow, because that's when you will be assigned a job."

 After Ricky strides away, I sigh and lay down on my new bed. When I fall asleep, I dream of Ricky slamming my head into the cafeteria's floor over and over again. I wake up, feeling uneasy and horrified by the dream.

 There's a unfamiliar teenage boy standing at the foot of my bed. He's at least six feet tall with a skinny body, and olive-toned skin. His black hair is thick, and cut short.

 "Get up, new guy!" he snaps, clearly irritated that he has to speak to me. Swiftly, I leave the bed and fall to the floor. I'm too tired to deal with this right now. The boy grips the collar of my shirt, then scowls at me furiously."Stupid new guy."

 I shove him away from me, becoming angry myself. I'm not just going to let him bully me like this. Before I can slam my fist into his face, Ricky enters the cell.

 "Adam, you weren't supposed to physically hurt him," Ricky scolds, speaking to the aggressive boy. He walks over and helps me stand."You okay, Danny?"

 I nod at Ricky, glad that not everyone is cruel here. Adam crosses his arms, still glaring at me.

 "What's his problem?" I ask Ricky, pointing to Adam and not caring that my gesture is rude. Adam was rude to me, so it's only natural that I retaliate.

 "He's just a big bully, plus he's pissed that there are no girls at this place," Ricky replies. My mouth gapes open in shock."That's right, there are no girls. I'm sure you remember what a girl is. Also, know women or females whatsoever. Of any age. So no boobs or long feminine hair for us to look at."

 I release an irritated sigh."Well, I'm even more determined to get out of this place now."

 Learning that there are no females in this place, causes me to become even more angry. Maybe the bully here-Adam-needs a girlfriend. I wonder if that would calm him down. If females still exist. I have no idea what the world outside the Network is like.

 "Anyways, back to business," Ricky tells me. He glances at Adam, then back at me."While you were asleep, I spoke with Mason about what your job should be. He said that you should be an Inspector, which is a person who ventures into the numerous secret tunnels of this building. This is a very dangerous job, since our past Inspectors have been killed while working."

 "What?!" I exclaim, feeling horrified that I've been given a job that would most likely result in my death."Why did Mason give me a highly dangerous job?!"

 Adam steps forward, then speaks before Ricky can say anything.

 "Because I'm the only Inspector left. The rest are dead, because they were too weak. I need some help while I'm searching those dimly lit rooms and tunnels for a way out of this place!" Adam shouts."Now get your ass up, because we will be starting our job today!"

 Clenching my fists, I hope I can restrain myself from attacking Adam from now on. I can already tell that we will possibly never become friends. I might regret thinking this, but I hope he dies soon. I'm sure there are others here who think the same, wishing death to come to Adam in a brief amount of time.

 "Alright," I say."Take me to the tunnels."

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