New message from "Kimmy"
Kimmy: so how's it going with Andie?
3:57 pmClifford: great! She's so amazing, even if I was just the 'colorful one'
3:58 pmKimmy: oh yeah sorry about that Cal's only showen her group pictures...
4:00 pmClifford: wow, thanks Cal.. dïck!
4:02 pmKimmy: Hey! Don't call him a dïck!
4:03 pmClifford: if I don't?
4:04 pmKimmy: we'll tag team your ass!
4:05 pmClifford: Calum won't do shit!
4:06 pm'Kimmy added you to a group chat'
Kimmy: I'm sorry what did you say Michael?
4:07 pmClifford: real mature Kimmy!
4:09 pmCal Pal: what the hell?
4:10 pmKimmy: babe he called you a dïck!
4:11 pmCal Pal: Are your sure he didn't say he wanted my dïck? ;)
4:12 pmClifford: As if hood you want mine ;)
4:13 pmCal Pal: Maybe, why baby you ready for me or what? ;)
4:14 pmClifford: Nah I'm sorry sugar tits I'm all Luke's ;))
4:15 pmCal Pal: it's always you and Luke this, you and Luke that. What about me and my feelings? Your the one I love baby :(
4:17 pmKimmy: umm I'm right here!!
4:18 pmCal Pal: well this is awkward..... :|
4:20 pmClifford: Kimmy Calum's gay and he's leaving you for me , even though I don't want him.
4:21 pmCal Pal: Fine! Ashton's got me! :(
4:22'Ash was added to the group (invited by Cal Pal)
Cal Pal: Ashton, baby Michael is being a jerk! :(
4:24 pmAsh: Michael why are you being mean to my girlfriend?!
4:25 pmClifford: Because he was trying to get in my pants!
4:26 pmAsh: Babe, is that true?
4:28 pmCal Pal: No! He's lying, ask Kimmy!
4:29 pmKimmy: Oh now that your caught you remembered that your girlfriend was here!
4:30 pmAsh: Who even are you? Calum doesn't have a girlfriend, he has a boyfriend and that's me.
4:32 pmKimmy: I'm his baby Momma ;)
4:34 pmClifford: Hold on while I go get my popcorn
4:35 pm'Cute Penguin was added to the group (invited by Clifford)'
Cal Pal: Ashton, my love I can explain....
4:38 pmAsh: Explain what?! How you like to whore around?! :'(
4:40 pmClifford: Yeah Cal, how you gonna explain that you wanted my dïck and then have a girlfriend on the side?
4:41 pmCute Penguin: You were trying to get at my man!?!?
4:43 pmKimmy: *sits in corner watching while eating popcorn*
4:44 pmClifford: *sits with you and eats popcorn too*
4:45 pmCal Pal: yeah he needs a real man in his life! Not some lanky breadstick.
4:46 pmAsh: So you did try to get at him?!
4:47 pmCute Penguin: oh hell no! MICHAEL HOLD MY EARNINGS, HOLD MY DAMN EARNINGS!!
4:48 pmCal Pal: what?! Come on come at me I wish you would!
4:50 pmAsh: oh no your not! Your not gonna fight do you hear me?!
4:32 pmCal Pal: I'm sorry daddy, I promise I'll be better.
4:33 pmKimmy: OH MY GOD!! #DEAD
4:34 pmClifford: Lmao daddy? *laughing crying emoji*
4:35 pmCute Penguin: Lol Calum you dumbass *laughing crying emoji*
4:36 pmCal Pal: so umm can we pretend that never happened...
4:37 pmKimmy: I dont it's up to 'daddy'
4:38 pmAsh: Nah I say we never let that die
4:39 pmCal Pal: I hate you all
4:40 pm