Chapter 1

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Hey guys I just wanted to let you know that the whole story will be in Angelina's point of view

I hope you like it


The front door slams close so loud that I can hear it from my room, the time is 10:45pm guess he is early today.


Wanna guess who he is? He is my dad. Yes my blood related father. The reason for it is because my mother died giving birth to me. She was his mate and yes we are werewolves.

Ever since he has hated me and I studied only basic elementary school he then stopped it because he would rather spend that money on buying more drinks for him. He has been drinking ever since and has not stopped even today.

Oh sorry!! I forgot to tell you who I am my name is Angelina Daniels, I have brown hair till my waist, I am very skinny because I am underfed and I have a pale skin which has abuse marks all over it and I have blue eyes

I just turned 18 and transformed into my wolf today her name is Heather. She is a pure white wolf and unlike me she is very strong, sassy and brave. But I love her soo much because I have someone to talk to and I am not lonely anymore.

I run downstairs cause the faster I go and do what he wants the lesser the beatings I get.

I bow my head and speak to him in a low voice cause he beats me otherwise, he says it's respectful.

"Yes father ? " I asked in a low whisper.


Before I know it my hand goes to my cheek which is now burning.

AND WAIT FOR ME NEAR THE DOOR?!? ", he shouts at me I can tell that he is drunk cause I can smell it on him

" I-i am s-sorry s-sir " I stutter

He suddenly comes near me and smells me then his eyes fill with rage

" I CAN SMELL THAT YOU SHIFTED YOU DON'T DESERVE TO HAVE A WOLF OR A LIFE FOR THAT MATTER " he screams and grabs a knife from the kitchen my eyes widen with fear I am scared

" Let me take control" asks Heather my wolf

I instantly let her take over my body and I see everything happening in front of me like in a TV screen

He comes to stab me but Heather dodges it easily cause he us drunk but he still manages to stab my leg with it
Heather screams but pushes him hard he hits his head to the counter and falls unconscious. This was the last straw

I then take control back and let Heather rest

"My smell senses are open just run towards that smell" heather said
I took a whiff of the air and there was a delicious smell of newly cut grass along with mint, and so I started running well more like limping cause of my hurt leg.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I run and run and run afraid that if I stop he will find me, after a while my leg is starting to hurt more and bleeding more I know that werewolf have healing abilities but I have been malnourished and abused all these years.

Slowly I stop running because my leg hurts too much I sit down near a tree and lay against it closing my eyes


My eyes shot open and I look around only to see there are 3 big wolves headed my way. I try to stand up but my leg has given out I whimper in pain.

Slowly they come into view the farthest was a brown wolf with green eyes, it was bigger than a normal wolf but smaller compared to the other 2 I could tell that he was the gamma by his power radiating off

The 2nd largest wolf who I assume was the beta was slightly bigger had grey wolf fur with brown eyes

But it was the largest wolf that caught eye it was the largest and strongest looking of them all and by the power radiating off of him I could tell that he was the alpha he had black fur with a white on the tip of its tail and green eyes

Oh shit..!! I tresspassed on a packs territory and I am rogue which doesn't help it

When I looked into the eyes of the black wolf I couldn't look away I was so mesmerised by those eyes I took a deep breath and he smelled like the scent I had been following like newly mowed grass and mint

"MATE! MATE! MATE! " heather yelled

My eyes widen with fear and I whimper scared of what they might do to me but mostly that he would reject me but I don't blame him nobody would want me

I wanted to cry but the pain in my leg started to get too much to handle I fell on the forest floor and the last thing I saw was someone rushing to me and green eyes looking with concern towards me but I couldn't fight it anymore so I let the darkness take over my body.


Hey guys this is my 1st book on wattpad so please forgive my mistakes and I hope u like it

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