Chapter 1: The Arrival

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~ The Arrival ~

After a ride that was way too long cramping up in the back seat of a taxi, I'm glad I can finally stretch my legs. Luckily, the driver was silent after he asked me where to take me and left me with my thoughts as the road got bumpier over time.

But when I slid out the back of the car I totally forgot to stretch anything. First, I was taken aback by the view in front of me – or rather above me. On top of a hill stood a beautiful Victorian age looking building, with an intimidating iron fence around it. Second, I wanted to face palm myself when I saw the stairs. The cramping in my legs suddenly seemed to get worse at the thought of dragging myself up there.

I turn around and the driver has already taken out my luggage. Two big suitcases and one bag which was already hanging over my shoulder.

"What do you carry in there? Rocks?" He grunts as he lifts them, more to himself than to me.

You have no idea. I shake my head as I think about the content of it, but remain silent as he carries the cases upstairs. When we are half way there, I see my welcome's committee. I see one man in a long brown coat and from his pose I know right away he has to be Headmaster Cross. I've seen that pose on many men and women and I've seen it in the mirror too. The pose of a hunter. I also see a girl with brown hair to her shoulders and next to her a boy with white hair, though we're still to far away to really make them all out.

Next to me the taxi driver is huffing and cursing. I suppress a smile; it would've been faster if I'd done it myself. I do look a lot weaker than I am.

Finally, we make it to the gate. The building is even more intimidating than I thought – and there are even more than one. It seems to be the main building, the one I saw from the road. A little further from the right I see another building, almost just as big a pathway leading there from the main building. And then another leading to the other side to a copy of the first. I'm guessing those are the Sun and the Moon dormitory, carefully separated from each other.

Cross Academy is inscribed above the gate into stone where the headmaster and his companions are waiting for me. The headmaster smiles at me as he holds out his hand. I take it and he gives me a firm shake. He's being polite; I know he's trying to make me feel comfortable by using my American habits.

"Rachelle Taylor, welcome to Cross Academy. I'm the headmaster."

"Thank you, headmaster." I say and he turns to the girl and the boy. "These are my children, Yuki and Zero." The boy, Zero, scowls at him. I think I know why. Neither of them could be his biological children. Zero has hair white as snow and gray eyes. He looks a bit older than the girl. My lip curls into a slight smile as he is scowling. I think he can be my friend, my fellow hunter. Yuki is smiling at me – she is way more innocent than her 'brother' – and she steps forward. Unlike the headmaster she bows.

"Hi, Rachelle. Zero and I will be your fellow members of the Disciplinary Committee. I can show you around after you take your luggage to your room."

She's sweet. Way too sweet. How can this girl survive in a world full of monsters lurking in the dark? I smile too.

"Sounds perfect. Could you show me my room?"


Zero was going to be a piece of work. Yuki confirmed that thought to me. He'd helped me with my luggage, even though I told him I was fine as Yuki chattered happily as we walked to the Sun Dormitory. Zero disappeared after putting down my stuff and I asked Yuki what his deal was.

"Oh, he's always like this. But don't worry; he's nice if you get to know him." I couldn't help but notice the 'if'. Not only that, but there was something off with him. Not his behavior, something else, something I couldn't quite put my finger on. I didn't push Yuki at first, not being sure what she knew about vampires and hunters. She knew about Pure Bloods and Aristocrats, even Level E's. Luckily, she did know I'm a vampire hunter, which made everything easier.

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