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The morning sun that enters into my windows strikes down its rays to my skin. Still indolent to get up, I grabbed my blanket and covered my face. Retrying to repose again, I closed my eyes. The amalgam of cold air from the air conditioner and the heat from the window made me more sleepy. Suddenly, the abrupt banging on my door wakes my soul up and breaks the peaceful atmosphere in my room. To my irritation, I opened the door to stop the noise. For goodness sake, it's still 6 in the morning!

"Will you stop do--- uhh, oh hey Georgette" I timidly asked while rubbing my nape.

"Good morning to you too, Wallace! Have you eaten your breakfast? By the looks of it, you're still not. Oh, come on! It's the first day of the week! Hello Mondaaay!" she excitedly said while nagging like a mother. "Let's get you out of here and get you some breakfast" and then pulled me out. I was still lazy to walk so I hesitantly pulled my hand away from her that made her tumbled on the floor.

"Oh my, haha!" I teased and helped her get up. "Sorry for that, its just your too nagging! Are you okay?"

"Still alive and kicking, so I guess that's the definition of okay, right?" she chuckled while composing herself. Silly girl.

"And Georg, it's way too early to get dressed in that uniform!" I checked my wall clock. "See? Our class starts at 8 AM and the clock tells me that it's still 6:35."

"Why? I'm just too excited! Man, there's alot of hottie transferees this school year. I heard it from a reliable source of course."

"Seriously Georgette?! Sorry for interrupting your dreamland, but no boyfriends, right?"

"So it means, I don't have a chance on you" she whispered something that I didn't heard it.

"Are you saying something?"

"Nah. Come. I said don't walk like a turtle you lazy-head!" I laughed as she was storming off like a child that wasn't given a lollipop.

She's Georgette Mae Rivera. A brat as you may see but she's kind, thoughtful and friendly when you get close to her. She's also adorable in her own ways, like what happened earlier. No offense, but I don't like her as my lover. I see her only as my little sister who was always there when things got rough. She's also helping me to get mutuals with Queenie, the one who I like. Although Queenie and her were not in good terms, Georgette's still not meddling with her.

I ran towards the corridor outside my condo unit and followed her tracks. "Hey Georgette, wait!"


I let out a deep sigh, holding my tears so they will not fall. Is he really that dense?! He just emphasized, no wait let me rephrase it. He did showed it in my face that we're only meant to be as bestfriends! If only he didn't showed to me his good and kind attitude, I will not be feeling this kind of feeling that I abhor. The love and hate feeling I'm feeling into him, geez! It's driving me crazy!

I sprinted towards the restroom. I entered and immadiately opened the faucet, scooped a water and splashed it into my face. I checked myself into the mirror. Am I really that ugly? So grotesque that no one likes me. No one showed any affection to me. My life is one great disaster. Tch.

"Hey Georgette, you alright? Sorry for earlier." I heard outside the door.

"Yep. Just cooling off. It's hot outside you know?" I turned off the faucet and got myself a tissue. I collected myself and went outside. "Hey."

"Bet you're hungry. I'll treat you breakfast."

"That's the way I like it. Yipee! I'll be ordering lots of pancakes, bacon, omelettes, waffles, hot chocolates and desserts too" I dissembled my loneliness.

"What the-- okay alright. Whatever you want. So we're okay now?" he held his hand out. "Friends?"

Dear Wallace, if I can't get you, then I'll get my chances. By hook or crook, whatever's mine, will be mine alone. "Friends. Let's go?"

UnluckyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon