Part 2

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*mrashoobi wrote this*

"Paola, what do you think you just did?!" Mrs. Bernstein asked with a mad look on her face. I decided she wasn't in the mood for jokes so I answered her completely honestly. "I just threw a bean at a girl while answering her question. Sometimes I multi task in the wrong way." She glared at me. "This is no time to be funny, Paola." I stared at her dumbly. "I wasn't being funny because I know that you are not a being funny type of person, mrs." She pointed out the door angrily with one hand and handed me a detention note with the other. I awkwardly waddled over to detention and opened the door with a grimace on my face. I screamed when I saw the teacher mr. Hanks. He looked WAY uglier than when I last saw him. "Lookin great, sir." I exclaimed as happily as I could. He had the same face on as mrs. Bernstein as he pointed to my seat right next to the meanest boy in the grade. "NO NOT TYLEEEEEEEER." I wailed as I slumped into my seat. Tyler shot a spitball at me and it hit me in the forehead. "EWWWWWWWW." Tyler is so mean. He cut off one of Tonya's cool friend's pony tail. Chelsea, was it? I don't know. I don't keep up with the cool people and stuff. I started humming a song that I had just written. Tyler glared at me and hissed, "Quit humming that awful song it's making my ears bleed." I looked at him and whispered, "I just wrote this song for your information." I handed him the lyrics to my song. He ripped them up and turned them into spitballs. He then proceeded to shoot those spitballs at me and Joshua, the boy sitting in front of us. I really hate detention.

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