Part 8

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*mrashoobi wrote this*

I was woken up abruptly from my wonderful dream about Tyler getting eaten by sharks by my sister Katrina. "WAKE UP YOU'LL MISS THE SCHOOL BUS!" She screamed. I woke up screaming. I thought it was Saturday!! Wow, guess not... I jumped up, got dressed, brushed my teeth as fast as I could, and ran outside with my backpack. I sat down beside my mailbox to wait for the bus. Hmm, I wonder why Bobby isn't waiting for the school bus as well.. He typically does. I looked at his bedroom window. I was severely startled when I saw a face looking back at me that wasn't Bobby. I squinted my eyes. I still couldn't make out who it was so I decided I didn't care. That was when I heard something hit the ground hard next to me. I picked it up, not knowing what the heck it was or where the heck it came from. I looked closer and I realized that it was a frozen potato with a note attached to it saying 'look up'. Look up? Was this potato sent from an alien? I looked directly up and screamed, "I KNEW YOU WERE REAL!!" I didn't see anything so I thought maybe the aliens will meet me at school. Bam! Another frozen potato as quick as lightning landed right next to me, closer this time. The note said, 'Not directly up, idiot. Look across from you and up.' So naturally I did, and in that instant I realized two things that I hadn't known before. One, it was Saturday no doubt about it, and two, the handwriting on the notes looked a lot like Tyler's handwriting.. That was the last thing I remember thinking before I blacked out due to a frozen potato thrown at my head.

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