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I had been day dreaming in class again, I didn't know we had something to do until some one tapped me on the shoulder. I turned to see black hair and tan skin. He smiled at me and said "hey beautiful. I'm Sam, what's your name." I looked at him unamused, "I'm (Y/N), so what are we supposed to be doing." He said "we're supposed to be doing these problems together." I turned to look at my math book and sighed. "I hate math." Sam patted my back and said "agreed, but we need to finish this, unless you'd rather do something with me." You rolled your eyes and said "as tempting as that sounds*sarcasm* I care about my grades so I'll do the even numbers, you do the odd numbers and we'll switch." He agreed and we got to work. Half way through, a crash was heard. I saw a man with eight robotic arms and weird goggles. The entire class ran and panicked. I was about to do the same thing, but as I reached the door, something was thrown to block it. I dodged said thing but it blocked the door. I didn't know what to do so I went to open a window, thanking God we were on the first floor. Before I could undo the latch, I was grabbed and blinded. "Oh HELL NAW!!! I did not come to school for this." I struggled but the I felt woozy. I passed out.

When I came to again, I was in some sort of lab floating in some sort of liquid. I banged the glass trying to escape somehow. The octopus guy came back and said "hello miss (Y/N), I've been looking for you. You're the ideal person to test my knew serum on. Just close your eyes and it'll soon be over." I saw him point a laser at me. I panicked and started banging the glass again, harder this time. I then saw a flash of light. I screamed. The pain was unbearable. The pain soon subsided, and the liquid was being drained from the capsule. I still had tubes connected to me. I felt a rush of energy and charged the capsule. Nothing happened I gritted my teeth in frustration. I tried calling for help, though I knew it was probably no use.

I then did the last thing imaginable. I started singing. The doctor turned around and seemed in some sort of trance. I was confused, but kept singing. He reached for a button and released me. I stepped out and stopped singing. When I stopped, he seemed to remember what he was doing and said "what are you doing in your cage, get back in there." One of his arms reached for me, and I expected to be hit, but I felt like I was flying. When I looked up, I saw spider man swinging from a web, with me In his arms. I saw White tiger, Power man, Nova, and Iron Fist attacking the doctor. Spider man got me to safety in the streets before making sure I was okay and joining his friends.

I was a little shocked, not because of the heroes, but because of doctor octopus's trance.What did he do to me, and what can I do. I ran to the local Halloween store and went shopping. When I came back home, I put on white tights, a white skirt, white knee high boots, a white masquerade mask, and a white leotard. I checked myself out and was impressed at what I saw. I looked good. Sexy, but not seductive. I ran into the darkness of night and went to a nearby field. I decided to climb a tree. I was on the top branch, I was going to go higher, but then I slipped. I expected to hit the ground, but I never did. I opened my eyes and saw wings. Beautiful white feathered wings. I smiled at the beautiful wings that were now mine. I stretched them out and crouched down, ready for take off. I used my new wings to lift me off the ground.

I flew towards the City and smiled at my view. I could see better then ever. I was enjoying myself, in till I saw some activity in an alley. I swooped down and saw to robbers stealing from a couple and a child. When they saw me, they pointed their guns at me. I took a risk and started singing. The robbers fell into a trance. They approached me, I took back everything that belonged to the little family and gave it back, they thanked me. I smiled and stopped singing. The robbers were released from their trance. They tackled me, but I started flying. They were flying with me. I swooped to where a police car was parked and handed them to the police.

The female officer smiled and said "thank you, what you did is appreciated. What's your name." I could give them my real name so I quickly thought of another one. "My name is Siren. And that was no problem." She said "why thank you Siren, we'll take it from here." I nodded before flying off. Am I some sort of hero now? I don't know what to think so I dashed home and took off my suit. I live alone, My parents pay the rent, but I do good in school on return. They knew I wanted to go to school here so they decided on having me move out and take care of myself. I had a weekly allowance. To feed myself and and stuff. I went to sleep before being woken up in the middle of the night by a knock on my door.

There stood a tall black man with an eye patch. "Hello, are you miss (Y/N)?" I asked "yes, why?" He said "I'm nick fury, from shield. I know who you are." I nodded "apparently. You told me my own name and know where I live. Can I go to sleep now." He said "no, I in a that you're Siren and would like for you to join shield." I laughed "no thanks, I kinda hear my bed calling me." He put his foot in the door, as I closed it. "Let me try again, miss (Y/N), would you please join shield or would you rather your family lose their home, Money, and be shipped off to Siberia." I laughed "like you have the power to do that." He showed me this little holographic device that showed my dads bank account. I got scared and said "fine, what does this shield do." He smiled and said "would you like to see?" I saw him step out of the way to show a big jet thingy. My jaw dropped. How did I not see that before. Things were really starting to get weird.

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