First kiss

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I was left wondering where we were going. Danny stopped the car and I looked around. We were at a park with a river running through the middle of it, it was beautiful. I looked around amazed. I grew up in this park,it was my favorite as a kid. I then spotted a big oak tree. The tree looked familiar. I grabbed Danny's hand and dragged him to it. I sat him down and smiled at him. "Thank you for taking me here." He smiled his crooked smile that looked so good on him. I looked at the tree and got up. I traced my hand over the markings on the tree. I waved Danny over and he looked at where my hands were. I took his hand and had it trace the markings as well. The markings were of my parents initials in a heart. I looked at him and said "this is where my parents had their first kiss." I smiled thinking about my parents. I live alone. I haven't seen my parents in a year. We wrote letters from time to time, but it wasn't the same. They still made sure I was okay and helped me out by sending me money.

I wanted to see them, but I was....different now. I sat against the tree bark and sighed. Danny sat next to me and said "sometimes being apart, brings you closer together." I playfully shoved him and said "thanks oh wise and powerful fortune cookie." We laughed together, before we were silent again. This time, Danny broke the silence. He asked "hey (Y/N), you said your parents had their first kiss here right?" I nodded. He said "would you like me to...." he blushed ever so slightly. I leaned in to his face and said "yeah, I'd like that." He closed the remaining space between us. I blushed and felt his soft, gentle, and smooth lips against mine. We were perfectly in sync. I could feel myself leaning more into him. I then pulled away embarrassed by my lack of air. I'M A F*CKING SIREN!!!! I then felt Danny wrap his arms around me and our foreheads touch. He said "this is a little embarrassing, but that was my first kiss." I blushed 3 shades of red. I just took his first kiss.

He saw my expression and laughed at my blank expression. I've never seen him this happy for so long. He's usually so serious.I just blushed even harder. I hid my face in his shirt and mumbled "its not funny." He said "you're so cute." It's like he was trying to embarrass me. I pulled myself together and managed to stumble out "w-we have m-more to....Dammit lets just go." I was flustered and frustrated so I just grabbed his hand to drag him to a nearby carnival. I couldn't help but keep thinking about the fact that i took his first kiss. Well....more like he gave it to me. We had a good time. I laughed when the cotton candy machine broke and he got cotton candy on his face. I picked the pink fuzz of his face and ate it. We played carnival games, and he even got my a stuffed dolphin. I smiled wide and thanked him as he handed it to me. Everything was going great. I spotted the swan boats and asked him if he wanted to go. He said "sure" as we got in line for one. When we finally got a boat we got in and started pedalling. Everything was perfect until I sensed something.

I felt...tingly,but in a bad way. Like something bad was about to happen. It then got really bad and I quickly said "Danny, get out of here!!!" Danny was about to say something, but then I felt something grab me and drag me into the lake. I panicked because I couldn't see anything. I just heard a female voice say something. It said.....



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