Shes the last one.

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Alright enough of that, the meetings starting soon. Do you want to being Hope? Newt telepathically asked.

Ya. Be there soon. I responded

"Come on Flaminho, it's time for the shucking meeting." I complained stuffing a cracker in my mouth.

"It was your idea."

"Right..." I mumbled with my mouth full.

I went towards the builders, with Minho holding my hand, to go get Hope. George offered to take care of her while Minho was locked in the maze.

"Hey! George!" I yelled waving my free hand. He turned around bouncing Hope on his hip. "There's a big meeting today, everyone is sopose to be there." I said while taking the baby/toddler (she's almost 3)

"Right. I'll be there soon." He said making a face at the baby and walking away.

At the meeting

Newt and I were standing on a little platform thing, Hope was sitting on my hip.

"Alright!" Newt called, and everyone quieted.

There taking me. I faintly heard in my head, I guessed it was Teresa.

Are they taking your memory? I asked

Ye- and she was cut off. I guess they took our telepathic abilities aswell.

Teresa? I called

"Ryan." Newt snapped in front of my face.

"Sorry. Right then." I said loud "most of you won't like what I have to say." I eyed Gally. "But I have already had this conversation with our two leaders, Alby and Newt." I looked at Newt

She's coming. Teresa. Soon. I told him.

"Alright!" I yelled to get everyone quiet. "Newt and I..." I paused "we are siblings, twins." Everyone stayed surprisingly quiet. "How do we know? You ask." I paused. "I have my memories." When I said this everyone started shouting.

"ALRIGHT ALRIGHT!" Newt yelled trying to get everyone quiet.

"What about the baby?!? You know about her too?" Some random person yelled.

"Yes. And... Well... Ok..." I quieted, trying to place my words in my head.

"Hope, this baby." I paused again. "Uhh... Thomas," I directed, and everyone looked at him. "She's your daughter." I said.

"DADA!" She wailed.

I bounced her and Newt called him up to take her. She instantly calmed.

"Who... Who's the mother?" Thomas stuttered once in his seat again.

"Well-" I was cut off by the box sirens.


"What would be the mother right now." I paused "we had telepathic abilities, we gave them to ourselves. She told me she was coming, then they took it." I paused again

"We have the same ability." Newt spoke up pointing to both of us.

"Alright. So everyone go back to your jobs. Newt, Thomas, Chuck, Minho, Jeff, Hope, and I will go check this out." I instructed.

"What makes you able to order us around!" Gally yelled.

" Well-" I started

"Because right now I'm first in command, which means you have to listen to me, and I order you to do what she said." Newt spoke sternly. I nodded in agreement

Gally huffed and stomped out of the room, followed by other builders. The group of us went and sat by the box while we waited. Thomas came and sat next to me with hope.

"Ryan?" He asked.

"Mmhmm?" I responded

"Did I really love her?" He asked me.

"Well, ya. I mean, you two had a kid so I'd guess so. You two would never be separated. Always together." I paused "when she had Hope, you were both super happy, she was your pride and joy." I paused again "you three make a great family. I hope Minho and I are like that some day." I said the last part quietly

"Wow." He paused "wait, you and Minho?" He eyed me weirdly

I giggled "ya. We were dating before the maze, so I don't really understand why not." I shrugged.

When that conversation was over the box reached the top. Minho and Newt opened the cage and she was inside.

"Ryan." Thomas said uneasily "she looks-"

"THOMAS! HOPE!" She sat up eyeing each of them. Then she passed out.

"Jeff get a gurney." I instructed jumping into the cage.

I bend down and felt her pulse. Very slow. I she needed a ventilator but of corse they didn't have one.

"There's something in her hand." Thomas pointed out

I opened the small piece of paper.

"She's the last one." I paused "ever."

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