Chapter Three: The Contract

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Note: Spoiler alert! Spoilers coming for real now. Remember, I warned you~! From now on I will bold any important points! (It's much easier to look back and refresh yourself on main points then.) I'm sorry for the huge dump in information here but this should be the only time where it's so large.

    Souji awoke in a blue limousine. At least that's what it appeared to be until he caught a glimpse of an extra blue elevator. The combination of the two was very strange, especially when it's in the exact same room. When were there any elevators in limousines? Adding onto the strangeness there were yellow and brown gears at the back running the conveyer. Where it went he had no clue.

At least the gears aren't blue too.

    That thought was interrupted by a piece of paper gently landing on the ground. The note in blue letters dared him to use that conveyor, beckoning him to come closer. This was obviously some sort of trap.

I don't have a choice though. Where else can I go?

    Stepping into the elevator the doors shut right behind him. The gears began to turn more fiercely than before as the conveyor descended from what Souji thought was a one floor place. The further down he went, the more he thought he was going to die from the sheer madness of it all. To distract him from that issue he watched the outside as the blue environment blurred from the movement. That only worked until he got motion sickness. The only option after was to close his eyes and wait for the doors to open. Luckily for the silver haired boy the door opened immediately before that thought process could be initiated.

    While trying to get used to the new room he noticed a table, two chairs, two sofas, and a door. Of course, they were all blue. Was it really a surprise now? At the corner of the room he noticed someone sleeping on one of the sofas. One arm dangling over the edge and their legs not fully straight. When he got closer that was when he confirmed who it was.


Souji continued to stare at him, dumbfounded by the fact that he was here. Upon realizing the other woke from his sleep he opened his mouth to say something but quickly closed it again. That process kept repeating until the other was facing him with an amused expression on his face.

    "Quite an impeccable imitation of a fish."

   "Shut up. What are you doing here?" Minato couldn't be here for no reason. This situation was already surreal but having someone he met today in his dreams? Turning from surreal into insanity.

"I chose to be here." Seems like the blue haired boy carefully chose his words. Judging from the absurd amount of time it took for him to respond.

"Chose....? What exactly happened to you?"

"I died."

    This was when he silver haired teen froze. He couldn't believe it. The boy who was physically in front of him earlier today in the living world, died. How he was going on about it didn't help much either. Who talks about death and treats it like a normal thing every day? At least make it seem believable.

  "Y-you're joking right? How were you in the living world then?" Minato shook his head and proceeded to speak.

  "Let's just say, I have my ways."


Before he could ask any further, two women in blue coats arrived from the door. An elderly man followed right behind them and took a seat on one of the chairs. The boy he was just talking to got up and sat in the seat right next to the man. The other two, well they sat on the sofas around the table.

The elderly man spoke first, "Welcome to the Velvet Room. My name is Igor and I will be assisting you on your journey. I'm assuming you have already met Minato, so there's no need for introductions there."

Speaking of Minato, he wasn't looking directly at Souji's face like the others were. In fact, there wasn't any emotion on his face. Simply just sitting there and staring off at the gears.

The taller lady of the two women spoke next, "My name is Margaret. I'm the oldest of the Velvet Room siblings. Just like Igor I will be assisting you as well. The other woman over there is Elizabeth. We also have brother but he is out on an errand. When you do see him, just call him Theodore."

"May I ask why I'm here in the Velvet Room?" asked the teen. Afterall, the Velvet Room seemed to have a big purpose. Other than acting like they were in a blue themed party.

"Yes, we are here to speak of your contract and your journey," replied Igor, "the contract has been renewed."

What contract?

The blue haired boy's eyes widened from Igor's response. For once he is the one who is surprised. However, he continued to stare at the gears but with distressed eyes this time.

"For anyone to enter in the Velvet Room, that isn't the master or the siblings, they must sign a contract." Elizabeth added while looking over to the other boy with a bit of worry in her facial expression.

"The Velvet Room transforms itself depending on their current guests and their journey. You and Minato have both signed a contract and it's now renewed." mentioned Margaret.

Once again, what contract?

Before anymore thoughts could be processed Igor placed some cards on the table. The design of the cards resemble tarot cards.

"Pick any card. Minato, stand next to him." The mentioned boy did as his master instructed him to. While standing next to Souji he gave a reassuring look to him. The influx of new information was overwhelming but that look healed his exploding mind. Something about him was calming. As directed, he decided to pick the card that was in the middle.

"The World arcana in reverse. My, this is interesting." Elizabeth aforementioned. The other next to him received the same result. Igor chuckled a little bit at the outcome.

"Hm, this card represents completion. Whether it's in the upright or reverse position. The two of you are apparently close to finishing your journeys, however you're stuck. A barricade is preventing you from proceeding." added Margaret with a solemn expression.

The blue haired boy finally spoke in what seemed to be forever, "I see, I'm guessing we're suppose to help each other. Am I correct?" So, he's the type of person to be straight and to the point. Not that the silver haired teen minds.

Igor nodded, "Believe it or not the two of you have already intertwined each other in your threads of connections. Margaret, you will assist Souji and as for Elizabeth, continue assisting Minato like you always have. Of course you may assist the other as well. It's just your primary focus; understood?" The two sisters acknowledged that order with a nod.

Minato had his gaze over at Souji catching his eye. Nervous for no reason he used the other's technique earlier and focused on the gears. It seemed like the other was going to say something but an alarm clock sound began ringing across the room.

The realistic dream was over. A new day begins.

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