Chapter Six: Yosuke Saved

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Note: Finally Yosuke is saved and back home. Seriously, this took way longer than I thought it would. Sorry everyone! Next chapter, Yukiko and Chie are coming into the scene. The music above was literally what I was thinking about while writing the combat scene. Spamming Zio like crazy basically.

Souji's Point of View

    Honestly, Souji never understands what Minato is doing and thinking. Not completely anyway. Teddie was using his nose and sniffing his way to Yosuke. Apparently when he is given a bit of information, he can go track down someone.  No shadows have appeared before the tiny group, so they were safe at the moment. He was honestly grateful for the rest and used it to organize his thoughts about what happened so far. 

    Minato died. We're in a contract. He and a girl are linked. We're in a non-existent hour.  He shrugged and knew that trying to make sense of it was just going to bring him headaches. The group ascended a large staircase up a floor. The next floor was even more warped from the last one as the transparent fog became more opaque. 

    The blue haired boy blinked in what seemed to be surprise, "That's odd. Aren't the two floors connected? Wouldn't the fog be transparent like the floor underneath?" 

    Souji frowned while Teddie responded, "Fog? I don't see any fog." The bear ran a couple of steps deeper into the  fog and waved to the two.

    Both Souji and Minato had to squint to see the bear, "How?! Then again, that must mean that you really do live here." said Minato as he managed to catch up to Teddie. The silver haired teen sighed and felt his head throb. The boy in front of him looked back with an expression he couldn't read, "Are you alright? We can take a rest if you like."

    Souji shook his head, "Have a headache for some odd reason. Something about the fog is very unsettling. I mean, I'm not feeling my best today... But it shouldn't be this bad." He winced as he felt another throb of pain on the right side of his head. He felt someone touch the side of his cheek with a cold finger. It felt pleasant and he found himself relaxing immediately.

    "...I think it has to do with the fog. I'm doing okay for right now, but I'll probably end up like you too. Sit down for a moment." Souji did as the other asked to and immediately sat down. "Teddie, may you come over here for a second?" The said bear stopped and the blue haired boy stared into his eyes. 

    Teddie fidgeted from his relentless staring, "I know I'm handsome and all, but your staring is really making me feel like something is wrong!" Minato sighed and shook his head in annoyance. He didn't say anything for what seemed like forever until he visibly perked up. 

    "No, I think that your eyes are made of something that can see through the fog. Do you have anything that you could give to Souji right now?" Teddie pondered about that and walked in small circles four times. Then he stopped and pulled out two pairs of glasses from thin air. 

    "Be glad I have a hobby of making glasses! I made these from materials I found around here! I hope this will ease your headache, Souji." Teddie looked proud of himself and Souji inwardly laughed about that. It was always nice to have a hobby.

    The silver haired teen's smile was thin as he received the glasses from the bear, "Thank you." He said as he slipped his glasses on. The fog instantly cleared from the premises leaving a happy teen. His head stopped throbbing, so that was a good thing. Minato looked pleased as well and rubbed his temples. 

    "...I think I'll be out of commission for awhile. I feel exhausted mentally," he stated as he helped Souji back up on his feet. The teen managed to hear him murmur, "if only there was a snuff soul..." Souji frowned and knew that he couldn't help much there. They were going to need to wander about the place until they found whatever that was and shadows were probably going to pop up meanwhile. No matter what, I need to keep a promise. Souji blinked and his eyes went wide.

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