Chris Evans - Under the Bleachers

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~Chris Evans~

A/N: Heavy smut! You've been warned!

I stepped out of my jeep and felt my pantyhose tear.  Shit.  Just my luck.  I didn't even want to be here anyway.  The only trouble was that I had made a promise to someone who may or may not even show up.  For months, ever since I finally RSVP'd for the reunion, I had to talk myself down, trying not to get my hopes up.  What are the odds he'd actually be there?

I looked around the parking lot of my old high school, lit by a few streetlamps, for any peeping eyes before lifting the skirt of my dress to check out the rip.  It was all in my crotch area.  I sighed in frustration and decided to take them off in the bathroom. 

Stepping into the large gymnasium, I was greeted by a small hoard of women who I immediately recognized as The Dolls.  You know, the perfect and popular girls who loved to make your life a living hell reminding you that you'd never reach their level?  Of course, none of them could figure out who I was.  Typical.

"Hiiii, it's soooo good to see you again!"  One of them smiled so hard with fake enthusiasm, I was sure her lip fillers would rip right out of her flesh.  "If you could just find your name tag here on the table..."

I reached down right in front of her and picked up my name.

"Oh," she exclaimed.  "Molly!  Oh my god, girls, it's Molly Monroe!"  She smirked to the ladies next to her and I gave a tiny wave and my own fake smile.  "Is it still Monroe?  You never married?"

"Yep.  Good to see you guys, too," I lied.

"Enjoy the party," the others chimed.

I stepped away to allow the line behind me to get their tags but I caught them talking about me still.  Well, not exactly about ME, but it certainly referred to me.

"Is Chris coming?  He didn't RSVP..." one of them whispered loudly.  The others shrugged, which I saw from the corner of my eye.

I knew it.  He wouldn't be here.  Why am I even here?  Oh yes.  The promise.  Stupid promise.

No one I hung out with during my high school years had bothered to show up, it seemed.  Oh well, at least there was an open bar and a pretty decent live band.  I'll stay for an hour and then leave.  If I leave now, it'll look like I only showed up for Chris.  If I stay any later, I'll just look completely pathetic, sitting by myself throwing back booze all evening.

I ordered a vodka and cranberry to start with and found an empty table.  Everyone else was mingling and reminiscing.  I sat back and people watched, slowly sipping my drink.  I noticed the quarterback everyone had loved was balding and carried a pretty impressive beer gut.  His dress shirt was tucked in, making it stand out even more. 

I sat there for a half hour and three more vodka and cranberries, just watching.  Waiting.  For anyone to say hello.  Because Chris certainly had no plans to show up.  And why should he?  Mr. Hollywood has much more important things going on in his life.  I suddenly envied him for having a life and finding no need in a silly high school reunion.

I could feel my brain starting to feel a bit fuzzy so I pushed back from the table and went outside for fresh air.  I should have kept in better touch. 

Slowly, I walked the pathway to the football field where I'd last seen him in person.  The moon was full, lending plenty of light to guide me to the bleachers.  My heart began to race, remembering those bleachers.  So many stolen kisses.  A secret love.  The jock and the bookworm.  I shuddered in disgust at the term "jock."  While he was athletic and popular, sports certainly weren't his life.  He'd lived the high school career his dad had always dreamed of.  In reality, while he did enjoy playing football, you had better luck finding him hidden away in the library.  That's where we had met.  I say 'met' as in we officially exchanged names even though we both knew who the other was.  We'd never spoken before then.  But yeah, we had met at the library where I volunteered to reshelve books no one ever bothered to put back after slipping them out to check for one little fact.  It got old after a while.

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