Chapter 1

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       This is me. Names Meri. I live in an oak tree, I am a Hamadryade. That's a tree nymph by the way. I love my people and hold a certain curiosity for the strangers that cut down our lovely branches and beautiful tree trunks, and what they use them for. Is it important, or is it out of jealousy because of our beauty? One day long ago, I began to spy on one of them, I followed him tree through tree. They seem to have no passion or hatred of us. I heard one of the others call for him. His name was 'Ranulf', what a strange name, a strange name indeed. He had small ears and small blue eyes, he seemed so allein, so strange, so... different.


          I'm a woodcutter. My name is Ranulf, I live in a village by the forest, and chop down the trees that grow there. Chop the tree, chop the tree. It's all I do. One day I was chopping down a tree, and was called back to the village by a friend. But, before I left, I heard someone whisper my name from near by in a voice like honey and mint. As I turned my head slightly, I caught a glimpse of wisps of raven black hair and a small hand with long slender fingers. Then, once again, everything went back to being quiet and peaceful. When I looked back around the tree, I saw nothing.


          I viewed the man through the tree as he departed(But it's so much more fun when you risk humans seeing you, however my Father always hated that I did such a thing). He was wearing a leather jerkin, and a white shirt underneath. He was also wearing a brown hose with a black belt, his shoes were a dark leather black. He ran quickly and quietly, as if he was trying not to scare the animals that lived here. After he fled I departed from the tree, and examined the red oak he was trying to chop down. I decided to heal the tree, since no tree should die for greed or whatever he was chopping the tree down for. When I healed it, I wrote a small note on the tree for him,

                                                     'It is rude to cut down someone's home.'

          This should stop him from pursuing to chop down this tree, still I fear for the others. I do hope no one is in the trees when he cuts them down, for then they could die.

          The following evening I see him again, looking for the tree he was hacking down. He seems to have found it but does not see my note, perhaps Humans write in a different language. But he does see it, he calls to someone -I suppose a friend of his- to inspect the note. Together they study the note, and come to the conclusion that it is perhaps a message from someone who they call 'God'. Upon hearing this, I rack my memory to see if I know of such a person that would incline the people to call him by an unknown name, I am not aware who this person is.

          He then left to retrieve his axe, so I decided to follow him, and visit the village he has comes from every day. I left the trees and I immediately noticed that my tree started shrivel rapidly. It was dying. Ranulf also noticed the immediate wilting of the leaves, along with the sinking of the vines, and the twigs had began to fall. All was gone but me from my tree.

"Who's there?" I heard the man named Ranulf say. I believe that he does not wish to be disturbed.

"Why are you following me?" He asks, pleadingly.

Should I answer his beseeched call? If I do I may endanger myself, and if I do not I may frighten him and send him into a life of great paranoia.

I am Meri. I say silently.

"Come out now, I won't hurt you." He says this gently, moving slowly closer to me and my tree.

"Promise?" I asked questioningly my voice barely a whisper. "I am Meri."

"Yes. I am Ranulf," He answered right away.

          Will he stay true to the empty promise I have asked of him? There's no other way to find out, but to trust him. So, I peek out from behind the a bare branch, my hair falling past my eyes. All I can see is a curtain of black hair over me, I push it back behind my ears to look him in the eyes. His face looks relaxed, Most likely because I look harmless, and because my lack of weapons. My gender to mankind in this period of time, is well, let's just say that they are quite naive at times, and can insulting when it comes to combat.


          Once I see that this being is female, I immediately relax. She looks harmless enough, so far. She steps out from behind the tree -which appears dead even though it had been living a few seconds ago-, and parts her hair so I can see her face. She is beautiful, big bright green eyes, black hair, and... barely any clothing on.

"Are you lost? People usually don't travel to this part of the woods." I say with some curiosity flowing through my mind. I wonder why she is here? Was she following me? WHY IS SHE WEARING NEAR TO NOTHING?

"No I live... near here."

          Near here? No one lives near here... Everyone lives in the village, or perhaps she lives in a cottage not far from here. But I have never seen her at the markets, I'm sure I would have remembered her. This mystery is making me even more curious. They say, curiosity killed the cat, but I never did care about a cat.

"Where do you live?" Meri asked shyly.

"I live near the village in a small house. If you are wondering, I chop wood for a living. It doesn't pay very well." I replied dryly.

"I thought so." She whispers, barely audible.

"Well if that is all I will be going." I calmly say.

"No, I wish for you to take me to your village. I wish to see it." She seems to look interested, not just for my looks, I am aware that's vain.

"Well..." I hesitated because it would be strange to go to the village wearing nothing. Debating on whether I should bring her something to wear, i decide against it - I have nothing for her anyways - and add quickly, "You sure?"

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