Chapter 3

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Once I arrive back to the village, Oreo and I need to do some shopping. Myself and Oreo are very hungry, perhaps I will purchase some meat along with bread, then there will be something for her and me. Though I do wonder about that mysterious girl, Meri. Oreo seemed to like her instead of snarling and scaring her away.

If Oreo liked this girl then perhaps she would have made a good match. But then again her garb was that of a strange nobility of sorts and my profession has yet to be decided, I could become a blacksmith or a woodcutter, or perhaps a knight, for I am one of the stronger men in my village. But knites don't really have the best of reputations.

"Oreo would you like some ham, or perhaps some sausage?" I coo to my dog. Oreo barks in return and sniffs out the meat she wants to eat, she goes to the sausage, obvious choice. While I pay for the sausage and bread, Oreo dashes off.


A large dog that I recognise comes hurtling towards me. It's Oreo, That means that I'm close to the village and should prepare myself- Like get more appropriate clothing-. So I head to the closest shop, leaving Oreo by the trees, to ask where I can go to get a new dress. The man behind the counter looks at me strangely, as if I am an extraterrestrial being -or a witch-.

"Um, Hello, do you know where I can find the nearest dress shop?" I ask rather shyly, afraid of what the man will think.

"Down the road to the left. The one with the fancy curtains."

"Thank you." I say happy that I could find my way, though feeling dread well within me.

When I enter the shop a rather large woman with beautiful curves and long blond hair, comes straight to the entrance, most likely expecting someone of importance.

"Hello, do you have an appointment?" She says to sweetly.

"No, I was hoping that I could have a dress made for me." I say hesitantly.

"Oh of course, what style would you like, and when would you like it to be finished."

"Um... Do you have any on hand that would fit me."

"I'm so sorry we have no dresses currently in stock, but we could squeeze you in for a fitting."

"Thank you. Is the fitting possible to do right now? I can pay in gold coins." I say hopping that it could be done in about an hour, it could be done where I live.

"Let me check with madam." The lady turns around and walks back into the room she came from.

Another woman walks in with red hair and a bit too much perfume. She is tall and very skinny.

"Good afternoon, I am Madam Annette, I heard that you would like a fitting, NOW." She says in a mocking tone like I should know it was appointment only.

"I know that this is most likely appointment only, so I am making an appointment now for in 5 minutes." I answer back mockingly.

"Well, then I will go get the room ready for your fitting." She says defeatedly. I have no problem with being witty, though most women pride themselves of being meek and submissive, but I am not afraid of being heard.

"Thank you very much." I say quite haughtily.

In a about 10 minutes the room is ready, and I am invited into the fitting room. I notice all the tape measures and the half mad dresses, with so many frills, I barely think that they are dressed, there is also so much fabric laying around that I don't think she has had a customer for ages.

"Stand right here." She directs me to a large circle that is defined by tape, most likely to measure the perfect circle for the hem of the gown.

"What is your budget?" She speaks as if I barely have any money. So I show her my pouch, and untie the string showing at least 30 gold coins.

"An extravagant dress it is." she says.

"Oh, no all I need is an in-style dress suitable for walking around in town." I say hoping that this will not take to long.

"Are you insinuating that my dresses are not in style." It was more a remark then a question.

"No, I was just being specific about what I wanted." I answer immediately, I do not want to be on her bad side. Then she could give me a horrible dress.

"Also, um... when will this dress be ready?" I ask nervously, knowing that the human technology is much less advanced than ours.

"About 2 days for the dress you described." She says as if I am an idiot.

"I will give you twenty five gold coins if you can get it done in 2 hours." I reply hastily.

"Oh my." Is all she can say

"I will be back in two hours to check on your progress, every hour that I need to wait more my offer will go down by 2 gold coins." I say hoping that this will encourage Madam Annette.

"Deal." Madam says before I can run the amount down.

"Good, now can we get on with my fitting."

"Ok." Then she begins to measure my height, waist, bust, and hips. I do not appreciate all the poking and prodding that this is including.

"Be back in two hours and I will be working on the dress either near to finish or done."

"Remember the deal." I add.

After I exit I go back the way I came, it looked like a bakery or something like it, so I will stop for bread and a drink. I reach the door and go inside.

"Hello." I say looking around the shop, seeing that I was correct, this is a bakery. I walk up to the woman at the counter.

"Could I have a pastry with some preserve?" I ask the portly woman at the counter.

"Let me go get my husband." The baker's wife says politely.

The baker walks in, and surprised to see me stops in his tracks, then resumes again.

"Have any luck with my directions?" He asks.

"Yes, and I would like to purchase a pastry and preserve." I say.

"All right, and we don't sell preserve here, you need to go to the market." He says as he hands me the pastry.

"That will be one shilling." He says curtly.

"Um... Keep the change." I say shyly, Giving him a gold coin. Then I run out of the store and around the corner, bumping into a child.

"Oh, I'm sorry for bumping into you." I say.

"Um... That's ok." He says, most likely overwhelmed by my strange garb, well by his standards, then he scurries off.

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