Eleanor Grant

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We edge carefully down the alley. Trapped at the end is Connor Bennet, a murderer. We have been tracking this guy for eight years and finally, we've got him. I look round at Bea and signal to the brunette to take out her gun. I take mine out from my holster that's strapped around my leg. My Sergeant's stern voice crackles on the radio.
"Grant, wait for back up."
"Sarge. We can get him. He's trapped and unarmed. I've waited too long for this moment. Sorry." I turn off the radio.
We come to the end of the alley and leaning on the wall is the bastard. He grins, flashing a set of yellow, crooked teeth. I close my eyes, taking a deep breath and at that moment a gunshot is fired. I glance around confused. Did Bea shoot at him? But then I see her lay on the floor, in an expanding pool of blood. Another shot is fired, and I'm shot in the leg. With no emotion or thought, I shoot at him, hoping I hit him in the heart. I wince as I hold my hand on the wound and I fall to the ground next to Bea. She's still breathing.
"Don't die, you bastard. You said you wouldn't leave me. Please." I shake her shoulders, trying to rouse her but her hazel eyes stay closed.
I tuck an escaped strand of hair back into her ponytail. I look up, tears fill my eyes and I see a younger cop running towards us. Tim. He stops and looks at the two bodies. He calls for an ambulance and they come immediately, taking Bea away from me. I'm helped into another ambulance and unfortunately, Tim rides with me, so I have to endure his ramblings.
"Why didn't you wait for back up? You knew he was dangerous. Five more minutes and your best friend wouldn't be dying! Sarge has gone mad, one of his best cops is injured and the other possibly dead. You better have a good explanation, Grant." He spits.
"If you were in my position you would have done the same." I snap.
"No, I wouldn't. Cause I have more sense."
"No, Tim, you would. You don't understand, this case was personal to me. Okay? He killed my family. I watched as he murdered my mum, step-dad and my sister. And you know what the worst part was? I had to use my older sister's body to protect me and my baby sister. No sixteen-year-old should have to make that decision and no eight-year-old should have to go through that." I wince.
His voice softens. "Where's your baby sister now?"
"At home. With Colin."
Colin is a good friend of mine, but he hangs with a bad crowd. He's an alcoholic and a drug dealer; doesn't take them, though. He's been keeping me and April safe ever since our Uncle disappeared.
Tim snorts. "Colin?"
"Yes, and luckily he can pay for me to have this care."
"With drug money?" He scoffs.
I scowl at him. The ambulance comes to a stop and I'm helped into a wheelchair. Then I'm wheeled off somewhere.

I wake up smelling strawberries, the scent of my little sister. I force my eyes open and there she is smiling like crazy. Her long, wavy hair is now a light purple.
"I like this colour." I reach out and stroke her plaited hair.
"Same." She smiles, tucking a light blue flower into the braid.
"Where's Colin? Has he been looking after you?" I sit up and pain shoots through my leg.
"El, you've only been here two nights. We had pizza." She rolls her eyes. "I did your make up, while you were sleeping." She holds up a mirror and a neat swirl of eyeliner brushes my eyes.
"You do it better than me."
"Well, you do have a shaky hand." She laughs.
April may be sixteen, but to me, she's always that scared eight-year-old who jumps at the sight of her own shadow.
"The doctor is discharging you, but you have to use crutches. Also, Sarge wants a word, he says it's good news and bad news."
"Where's Bea?" I ask suddenly.
April shifts uncomfortably.
"She died ... in her sleep."
I put my head in my hands. It's all my fault. If I hadn't been so set on catching this guy she would still be here.
"What about Connor?"
"He was injured but not killed. He's been sent down for life." She holds my hand and we sit there in silence.
A young doctor walks in with a clipboard and a pair of crutches.
"Ms Grant, we are discharging you, but your leg is weak, so you will have to use crutches for two days ..." I blank out whatever he says next and eventually, he leaves.
April helps me with the crutches and we stumble to Colin's car. I get into the front and April climbs into the back. As I face Colin and he blows a puff of smoke into my face; coughing I waft the smoke away.
"Come on, I need you to drop me and April off at the station. Sarge wants a word, apparently."
He huffs, throwing his cigarette out of the window and steps on the accelerator.

"April, wait here, I won't be a minute." I say pushing her into a chair.
I knock on my Sergeants door and enter. He signals me to sit and I do.
"Eleanor, I am sourly disappointed in you for disobeying orders." He tuts. "And you got my best officer killed."
Tears form in my eyes.
"Look," his voice softens. "I know this case was personal to you and I know that you and Bea were close. But I don't think that you should work here anymore. I will be sad to see you go."
"I have April who I need to feed. How am I going to do that?" I shout.
"Eleanor! My sister Claire has two job openings at her work. She said that you and April can go there and work."
"Where is it and what will we be doing?" I ask suspiciously.
"Well, it's on Isla Nublar, and you will be training Raptors with a Mr Owen Grady." He looks at some paperwork. "April will be helping in the control room."
Raptors? He must be mixed up. I stare at him.
"It pays well, Eleanor, and you get to live there for free. I highly suggest that you take it. Start a new life, instead of living with that alcoholic. Your flight leaves in three days at eight am, here are your tickets. You will be taking a ferry to Isla Nublar." He passes me an envelope and sees me out of the door. April stands up in a hurry and we walk out in silence.
"Let's go to a cafe." She says, holding my shoulders.

We find a small cafe that's tucked away down a cobbled street. April orders us a milkshake each and starts questioning me immediately.
"So, what did he say?" She blows her fringe out of her eyes.
"I'm not working for him anymore..." I look up at her and she sighs.
All the cops adore April, at every party she comes with me and dances with all the boys. One time a young cop tried to hit on her and it was chaos. "And we are moving out of Colin's flat."
"Where will we be living?" She takes a sip of her milkshake that a bored waitress clatters on the table.
"We have a job. It's on an Island called Isla Nublar, off the coast of Costa Rica. Someone called Claire has a job opening for us. You will be working in a control room and I'll be training raptors with a guy called Owen Grady? Or something." I shrug.
"He sounds hot." April laughs, twiddling her plait.
"He sounds dumb. Probably an obnoxious bastard." I chug my milkshake savouring the smooth liquid that falls down my throat.
"Don't make assumptions of people before you meet them." April says pointing a spoon at me. "I bet he's the opposite of what you say. Most people are."
Sighing, I push back my chair and position myself comfortably on my crutches.
"You coming? We need to pack. The plane leaves at eight and then we will take a ferry to the island"
We walk out of the cafe and we catch the bus home.

I sit on the end of my bed; shoving all my clothes into a suitcase. We leave tomorrow and I'm only just packing. Fortunately, my leg is stronger, and I don't need to use the crutches anymore. I don't have much to pack only clothes and make-up, so it should all fit in one suitcase. My phone beeps and I check the email.

Hi Eleanor,
My name is Claire Dearing. I am Jurassic World's operating manager.
I am glad that you have accepted my offer and under these certain circumstances, you will not be needing an interview. Owen Grady is very happy to be having a co-worker, but he has asked me to tell you some ground rules.
1. You do everything he tells you to and when he tells you to.
And that's it. I'm sure you will love working with us.
Luckily, Owen has an extra room in his bungalow, so you and your sister will be bunking there.
April will be working in the control room with a nice guy called Lowery and I have a surprise for you when you get here.
If you have any enquiries about anything just email me.
Kind regards Claire Dearing.

I close the email and zip up my suitcase. We leave for the airport at seven tomorrow and Colin has kindly offered to take us there. I wonder what the surprise is. I look over at the clock: 11 pm. I kick the suitcase off my bed and I snuggle under my covers.
"Eleanor!" I hear a sharp whisper.
"What?" I ask into the darkness.
The bed dips down and a cold body huddles next to mine.
"Can't sleep?" I ask April stroking her hair.
"No, I'm worried about leaving Colin. You've always managed to keep him out of trouble-"
I cut her off. "He'll be fine. Anyway, apparently, Claire has a surprise for us when we get there tomorrow."
"Really?" She grins, flashing a set of white teeth in the dark.
I nod prodding her belly playfully and she laughs. We have a tickle fight. It's like we're young again.
"Look at us. A twenty-four-year-old and a sixteen-year-old having a tickle fight." I chuckle.
"Hey, Eleanor?"
"I'm scared. I don't know if I want to go."
"It will be fine. I'll protect you." I stop and think. "How about when we get there, we play a prank on Owen, yeh?"
She nods.
"How about I pretend you're my daughter?" I ask.
"That's dumb, that means you were eight when you had me."
"Exactly." I smirk.
We laugh and soon I hear her softly snoring. Sighing I roll onto my side and soon I fall asleep.

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