Owen Grady

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I step inside the viewing area. Thick glass separates us from the intense heat inside the paddock, but I can still feel the heat. I walk around the small platform, examining the inside of the paddock.
"Where is she?" Claire mumbles, tapping the glass.
"What is she, exactly?"
"Part T-Rex and the rest is ... classified."
"Classified? You don't even know what she is?"
Claire ignores me and types something on a screen, a crane lowers a piece of meat into the paddock.
"You feed her with that?" I ask, pointing to it.
Claire nods. "We have to. A handler nearly lost his arm and when I couldn't promise their safety they threatened to quit."
"Does she have any siblings?"
"We initially bred two in case one of them didn't survive infantry."
"What happened to the sibling?"
"She ate her." Claire says quietly.
"So, she's all by herself. Animals don't cooperate well when they are raised in isolation."
"So, what do you want us to do? Organise playdates? Take her for a stroll around the park?" Claire asks.
She turns to an overweight security guard.
"Pick her up on heat sensors."
He types in a code and thermal cameras scan the paddock. But each screen comes up with a warning message.
"I don't understand, she was just here. These gates haven't been opened in months." The security guard says, stuffing a Butterfinger into his mouth.
"I'm going to go to the control room, I can track her from there." Claire says, rushing out of the room.
"Can I take a look inside?" I ask.
The security guard nods and he walks into the paddock. We stay on the main path as we walk through the other side of the enclosure. Even more claw marks stain the wall.
"Is that part of the glass design?" I ask, pointing to a break in the window.
"No, she tried to break the glass. You really think she could have climbed out?''
"It depends." I look up at the claw marks.
"On what?" The security guard looks at me.
"On what kind of dinosaur they cooked up in that lab."
Suddenly, we hear a panicked voice through the speakers.
"She's still in there! Get out now!"

We turn to run but blocking our path is a giant grey dinosaur that looks similar to a T-Rex only more vicious. The most disturbing thing about it is her blood-red eyes. We turn around and run as fast as we can. The ground shudders every time it takes a step. The security guard reaches the gate first and opens it. I manage to squeeze through the gate as soon as it's half a meter from closing. I don't stop running and when I hear a crash and the dust showering me, I'm glad I didn't. I slide under a car and I quickly take out my knife, slashing through the coolant pipe I cover myself in coolant, hopefully, it won't sense me. I look to the side and I see the security guard leaning against the front of a car. He looks me in the eyes as fear floods his face. The birds are silent, all I can hear is my heavy breathing and the growl of the Indominus Rex. I watch the Indominus Rex flip the car and its large jaws cover the man, devouring him in one lethal bite. I close my eyes. Bone-shaking footsteps come closer and I open my eyes. They meet the bloody mouth of the monster, immediately I re-close them. The cats are now the canaries. She sniffs the air, roars and moves on. Only when I don't feel the vibrations of the footsteps do I reopen my eyes. What the hell was that? That thing is no dinosaur. With no further thoughts, I jump on my motorbike and race to the control room.

I storm in and everyone is silent and staring at me. Claire gets up and walks over to me.
"She hid from thermal cameras, how?" I ask.
"When we made her, we added frog DNA to fill in some of the gaps and frogs can change their temperature." Dearing gulps.
"That thing made those claw marks on the wall to make us think she escaped. She's intelligent." My voice gets louder.
"For a dinosaur." Claire mumbles.
"Because you raised her inside of four grey walls and the only relationship she has is with that crane. All this is new to her. She wants to find out where she sits on the food chain, and I don't think you want her to find that out." I shout as I walk to the front of the room.
"It's heading south, but as soon as it gets near the fence it will be shocked." Lowery chokes out.
"What? You are going to let it get to the fence. You have heavy machinery let's smoke this thing up." I say.
"We have twenty-eight million dollars in this thing, we are not just going to kill it. The nearest attraction is four miles. If it gets to close, we will do something." Claire snaps.
"It's moving pretty fast." April stammers.
Claire sighs, irritability. "Okay, I'm going to send a team of men in there to tranquillise it."
She speaks on the phone.
"Wait, you're going after it with non-lethals?" Anger rises in my voice.
"It's stopped." Lowery mutters as he stands up.
We stare at the map the tracker has stopped moving. April just stands with silent tears falling down her face. Eventually, we see men in armoured suits running to where Indominus Rex is. On the screen, we can see what the men are seeing. A guy called David halts everyone and cautiously moves forward. In front of him is a grey, scaled piece of flesh. He picks it up and turns it over; showing that on the other side is a tracker. Claire gasps.
I move to the front of the room.
"She clawed out her tracking device." I say staring at the screen.
"How would she know to do that?" Claire hoarsely asks.
"She remembered where they put it in." I cough clearing my throat. "You need to call off this mission, these men are going to die."
"Owen, you are not in charge here."
"Call it off or I will."
"Owen, you're not in charge, you don't call the shots. If you aren't going to offer any useful advice you have no reason to be here." Claire repeats, her voice getting louder.
"It will kill everything that moves!" I shout at her.
On David's screen drops of blood land on his wrist. He looks up but nothing obvious seems to show where it came from. Suddenly, the trees start creaking and a green replica of the Indominus Rex comes out.
"It can camouflage!" David screams.
I roll my eyes throwing a questionable glance at Claire.
She sighs. "We also added in Cuttlefish DNA. They can change colour to blend in with their surroundings."
The Indominus Rex turns white and everything becomes chaotic. Screams from the men fill the room and I turn around to look at April, but she's sat down with her head in her hands. Turning my attention back to the screen, I notice that half the men are dead.
"Oh god!" Dearing gasps.
"Evacuate the island." I shout.
''No, we would never re-open." She growls. "I'm going to close everything at the top of the park and herd everyone into the middle. We can keep them safer there." She says, pressing some buttons on a pad.
"That thing that you cooked up in that lab is not going to stop until everything it can sink its teeth into is dead." I say, storming out of the room.
I jump on my bike and I drive to the main area. Someone needs to get this place under control.

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