Eleanor Grant

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We get comfortable as we can in the shop and Claire tries to get her radio working. Every time we hear a gunshot Gray flinches. Zach holds him close and for the first time, I notice how much he loves his brother.
"My sister, Uncle Grant, were they evacuated?" I ask Claire.
"Your Uncle yes, but April is still in the control room with Lowery." She replies.
We sit there in silence and Gray starts counting. We all look at him puzzled and suddenly his face lights up.
"We need more teeth." He says.
"What?" Zach scoffs.
"More teeth." Gray stares at me and I have an idea.
"Wait here." I say standing up and pulling a box open on the wall.
Inside is everything I need, a radio and a flare. Sliding the radio onto my belt, I jump over the counter and run. Claire starts blabbing on about something but I'm already by the enclosure before I weigh up the chances of this working. Grabbing the radio, I tune it to hopefully the right number.
"Lowery!" I exclaim.
For a brief moment, it's just static, but then a voice comes through. "Eleanor, are you okay?" April asks me.
"Yeh, I'm fine. Tell Lowery to open paddock nine."
I hear a conversation going on in the background.
"Paddock nine? Are you sure?" Lowery's panicked voice comes through.
"Lowery, for once in your life do something like a man." I shout.
"Why do you have to make everything personal?" He mumbles.

I throw the radio on the floor as I light the flare. Slowly the gate rises, and I'm met with the hungry eyes of the Tyrannosaurus Rex. I take a deep breath as she roars, it's now or never. I start running back the way I came, followed by the T-Rex. I'm so glad I did track as a kid, but my ankle burns. Come on, Eleanor, stop being a pussy. I sprint back to the main path and I throw the flare at the Indominus. Ducking behind a rock, I watch as Blue runs up the path and roars as she jumps onto the Indominus's back and claws at her. The T-Rex bites the neck of the Indominus and she shoves the monster into the shop which Owen, Claire and the boys are in. The whole world slows down but thankfully I see them crawling out of the side. Owen spots me.
"Run!" I shout over to him.
They run towards me just as the T-Rex is thrown to the ground right where they were standing. When they reach me, Owen leans in for a kiss but I push him away.
"Where are the other Raptors?" I ask him.
He shifts uncomfortably.
"They're dead."

Tears pool in my eyes, but I quickly wipe them away when the Indominus comes charging at us. Claire grabs the boy's hands and Owen grabs mine as we run past the shops. It's chaos out there and we reach the end of the road. In front of us is the Mosasaurs lagoon. Dead end. The Indominus glares at us as she's pushed to the ground by the T-Rex, breaking the security bars for the Mosasaurs tank. Blue stands back panting as the Indominus struggles to get back on her feet. The T-Rex watches as she claws at the ground. I almost feel sorry for the poor thing, almost. Just as it looks like the Indominus is about to get up the Mosasaurs jumps out of the water and drags the Indominus into the lagoon. We stand in silence. Owen slings his arm around my waist and pulls me closer as we watch the T-Rex stomp off. Blue turns around and looks at us. She chirps and runs in the other direction; not looking back once.

I sit with Claire in a warehouse-type thing that everyone from the island is in. Gray's head is on her lap as he sleeps. Poor kid. Owen went off to help people, I wanted to help too, but all that running made my ankle worse. It annoys me to be just sat here doing nothing.
"You look tired, why don't you have a sleep?" Zach asks me.
I smile as I rest my head on his shoulder and soon, I'm asleep.

I wake up about an hour later, according to Zach, lots of the people have gone and there are just odd families waiting for a ride home. I notice two worried-looking adults walking towards us. Claire wakes Gray up and he runs to them, they wrap their arms around him and kiss Gray repeatedly. They walk over to Zach and hug him too. Claire gives them both a big kiss and introduces me.
"Karen, Scott, this is Eleanor Grant, she was a Raptor trainer at the park and she helped save Gryy and Zach's lives."
Karen hugs me and thanks me. "Zach, is this your new girlfriend?" She asks.
I hear a laugh from behind me as Owen wraps his arms around my waist and rests his chin on the top of my head.
"Nope, this one's mine." He chuckles.
"When did you come to that conclusion?" I ask him.
He looks hurt and I start laughing.
"Let me have a word with this one." He grins and pulls me away.
He stands in front of me and holds my hands. I stare into his dreamy eyes and for one second, I'm lost. This man is amazing, and I love him so much. I stand on my tiptoes and I kiss him. He smiles into the kiss and deepens it. I pull away with a huge smile before things get too heated. I don't want to be a bad influence on these kids.
"So, what now?" I ask him.
He looks down at me. "Well, if you ask me, I think we're a pretty good team."
"Sure, I'm the brains and the looks ... you're the muscle, I guess." I smile.
"Let's stick together."
"For survival." I raise an eyebrow.
"For survival."
He grabs my hand and we walk out of the warehouse, not looking back, as the Jurassic World chapter of our life closes.

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