Chapter Seven. Realizations.

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-Prince Isaac's P.O.V.-

I don't know how, but I'd recovered fully within a matter of minutes after Amaya had left. My skin had healed, and my throat had quickly filled with the lovely moisture of saliva. Either my doctor had been a miracle worker, or an Angel had been looking out for me for some reason. However, my healing had surprised everyone that had been in the room, so I highly doubted my doctor had had anything to do with it. 

Amaya didn't know that I was better yet, and that's precisely why I am currently on my way to go see her now. I didn't quite know how she would take it, or the fact that deep in my brain I had this insane theory that she was the holder of Amermoon's fabled and mysterious power. 

"...You must end this, find your power" a soft voice spoke, shaking as I neared Amaya's temporary room. I then heard the thud of metal clanking against the metallic floor and Amaya crying a strangled sob. 

"Are you alright, May?" I asked as I knocked on the door. My body ached to run into the room, to envelop her in my arms, to take all of the pain away and get lost in the familiarity of our entangled limbs... but that was the improper thing for a prince to do, and I doubt that pretending her hatred for me didn't exist would make it go away. 

"I... Isaac?" she asked me gently from the other side of the door, her voice cautious as it dulled into a confused whisper. I heard shuffling before the door opened to a teary-eyed princess that I don't think had ever been so raw in all of her beauty. Sure, she looked great in dresses and all, but when the make-up was gone and she'd relaxed into clothes that actually looked comfortable... she was purely a goddess conjured by my imagination.

"I don't quite know if I'm dreaming right now, but I recovered really quickly, and this would be a real cruel joke-" I started gently, my eyes not meeting hers as she threw her arms around my neck and pulled me into her comforting grasp. She hugged me with all of the strength she had and, although I found it increasingly hard to breathe, my arms found their way around her waist and held her body tucked tightly against mine. I don't think I'd ever felt so home in my entire life. 

"I thought you were going to die, Isaac, and it would've been all my fault" she said into my chest as I shook my head, my arms curling around her as a shield for whatever pain dare come her way. 

"It is not your fault I don't think my idiotic plans through" I replied as she let out a small, relieved laugh and looked up at me. Tears stained her crimson-colored cheeks and my fingers twitched at the thought of one day being friendly enough to wipe them away, to shield her from all of the stupid things I've ever done and ever will do, and to rid her of the pain that the death of her parents had cast her way. Yet, she seemed to have beaten me to it with a small smile. I guess I need to remember that Amaya is not some frail thing that cannot defend herself. 

"Why did you do it, Isaac? Why would you sacrifice yourself to protect me from my naive idea that bad things don't happen to good people?" she questioned me as I watched her eyes carefully. Should I risk the inevitability of the expediting of her tearing my walls down? I didn't want to, but I tore my eyes away from hers before I spoke. 

"I saw how much you feared losing them, your eyes were stained by the fear of what you knew deep down was going to happen, and yet you still wanted to save them-to go in their place. I was going to let you go at first, because I didn't want you to lose them, but I also didn't want your kingdom to lose you. I saw how quickly Amermoon would die without it's princess-it's royal life source of sorts, and I couldn't let that happen. I've been struggling recently on whether I should listen to my head or my heart, but my whole body-my mind, my heart, my soul- had made a unanimous decision that today would not be the day for Amermoon to cease."I said softly, daring to look back at the watery tears in her dark eyes. I cupped her face in my hands, running my thumbs over her cheeks to wipe the tears away. 

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