Chapter Thirteen. A Brother's Promise.

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-Prince Isaac's P.O.V.-

"How was it Isaac?" Emry asked me as I watched her from the other side of the glass. I offered a small smile as I shrugged, bringing my hand up to my cheek even though I knew the bruise had long-since healed itself. 

"I convinced her to dance with me," I replied into the microphone so she could hear me. Emry's lips stretched into a wide grin and her clouded cerulean eyes shone faintly. Out of the two people I had ever discussed my affections with, Emry had always been rooting for me. Before Amaya had hated me, we were friends, and Emry had always tried to pester me into admitting that I liked her. I couldn't help but think of those times, when things were much more simple, as I looked at her. 

The sickness had made her pale and thin, her blonde hair almost fading into her skin. She was beautiful, regardless of what any illness could ever do to her. 

"Was she as you remember, Isaac? Or was she much more remarkable? And did she dance with you on her own accord? Oh, Pride, I bet she was wonderful," it all came flying out of her mouth and let out a laugh. 

"I can still see in her what I once did, I can't lie about that, but I see more... she has matured, gaining her own system of beliefs and values. The only beauty I could ever compare hers to is," I paused and thought of the image of Amaya at the top of the stairs combined with who I knew her to be, "a comet, hurtling across the night sky with blue flames trailing behind. It's an inevitable destruction most magnificent," I finished. I wasn't quite sure if I said what I meant, but I let it leave my mouth anyways. 

"You most definitely are a writer, Isaac... but have you stopped to think that maybe the comet isn't always pulled to destruction, but sometimes it leans more towards creation," she stopped and smiled briefly, her thin lips stretching at the corners, "you really like her though, don't you?" she asked as I looked down at the ground and shook my head, shrugging my shoulders. 


"Don't lie to me Isaac," she said, causing my to look at her and laugh. I ran my fingers through my hair, contemplating whether or not I should tell Emry the full truth or merely the abridged version. Looking into her eyes, though, I realized that the abridged version was out of question. She always got the information she wanted to me. I could never lie to her, I have never had that capability. 

I sighed. 

"Yeah I like her... a lot. But, she kinda hates me and I have been a real jerk to her for far too long for her to ever get as close to me as she once was. Things are not so simple anymore, they haven't been for a while," I replied as Emry frowned and my stomach clenched. Frowning was such an abnormal expression for her that it pained me to even have to look at. She was always smiling. Always. 

"You have had a massive crush on her since the time that you first saw her, at you first Amermoon ball... why would you even consider being mean to her?" she asked me as I looked at the sadness drowning in her perpetually blue eyes. I knitted my eyebrows together and sighed again. 

"After you were diagnosed, and I realized that it was entirely my fault... I didn't want to get too close to anyone. I didn't want anyone to be able to get close enough to me to have the possibility of getting hurt in my self-initiated crumbling. I have seen war for the past eight years, I have watched people die simply because they knew someone who did something once and forgot about it in a time of crisis. 

Besides, I didn't think I could undergo the pain of getting hurt like the night of the ball, before Eskim's father died. More than that, though, I didn't want her to get hurt because of me doing something stupid," I replied as she frowned even deeper and my stomach twisted in excruciating knots. 

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