Chapter 2 - Aliens

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I flutter my eyes open. I lie there for a moment taking, in my surroundings. I'm no longer at the dentist. I am lying on a bed, in a room that I have never seen before.  However, the walls are exactly how I would have designed them. All four walls were different neon colors. I try to sit up, but as soon as I move a fraction of an inch, my body explodes in pain and I lie back down with a groan. I am completely and utterly helpless. I turn my head to see a girl about my age crouched in the doorway. I make eye contact with her. Knowing that she has been spotted, the girl stands up, Brushes of her blue jeans and strides into the room.

"Hi" she says. "My name is Hylla"

"Hi, I'm Kylie" I force myself to sit up. I am overflowing with a nearly unbearable pain, but I will not lie here making myself look weak and helpless as a first impression. "Where am I?" I ask through gritted teeth.

"You" she replies with much enthusiasm, "are at 6046 Kings Road" she gestures with her hands and smiles... As if that's supposed to help me.

"Ummm" I say. The confusion I feel must show on my face because Hylla laughs. She is pretty. She has light wavy brown hair and bright green eyes. Her skin is tanned, like she lives in the Bahamas.

"In other words," Hylla says calming herself down, "your safe. For now"


"Yes. When you were last conscious you were attacked by a monster. Am I right?"

"Uh, yeah... I guess"

"Well, now your here! You have been lying there unconscious for just a few hours. So I assume that your first monster wasn't all that bad."

"Not so bad?" that was the wrong thing for her to say. "My dentist turned into a demon and tried to kill me!" Hylla's expression melted. Her Green eyes were now wide with fear, her face was suddenly serious.

"Your dentist?" Hylla sat down on my bed and looked me in the eye. "Tell me Every. Single. Detail." She might have sounded like a girly friend after you just had a conversation with the boy she likes, if her voice wasn't so deadly serious. So, I told her everything... Almost. I didn't tell her about the pain in my gut or how it turned into a prickle in my head. But still, my story obviously panicked Hylla. Especially the Part about the Fluoride. When I was done, she looked at me as if I had just grown a third arm.

"Fluoride" Hylla's fear is gone now; she seems to be putting pieces of a puzzle together in her head. "Given to you by the Tanté… How are you alive?” She said those last words so quietly; I don’t think that I was supposed to hear them.  So I pretended that I didn’t.

"Who's Tantè?" I ask, very confused.

"Tantè is the monster you were fighting." Hylla paces the room and mumbles to herself. Then she looks over at me. And sympathy crosses her face as she comes and sits beside me. "You’re really confused aren't you?"

"Little bit"

"Ok, there's an awful lot to explain. But here we go. The monsters after you, they are from other planets. They're aliens."

"So Tantè-"

"Was an alien...” Hylla interrupts “One of the worst. They chase after people like us"

"People like us?"

"Yeah, we uh, have something in common with the monsters.  Somewhere in our family tree, someone is... Extra -terrestrial."

"Somewhere in our family tree, So... Is it like my grand- parents or great -grand parents or even further down the family line?"

"It's different for everyone. For me," Hylla began "my great-great-great-great-great grand -mother is from outer space. The closer together you are to your extra- terrestrial relative, the bigger threat you are to the evil, alien monsters."

"So, if your grandparent is an alien then that makes you a bigger threat than if your great -great -great grandparent was an alien. Right?" I clarify.

"Exactly" Hylla confirms

“So… if were aliens, are gonna like, get super powers or something?” I ask hopefully

A faint smile crosses Hylla’s lips.  She might have laughed if my story hadn’t weighed her down so much. “No,” she replies.  “Sometimes the son or daughter of a human and an alien will have some kind of power, but those people rarely ever live on earth.  That is why the closer you are to your extra –terrestrial relative to more dangerous you are, because you inherit more of the extra- terrestrial being’s power.”

"So, if Tantè is the worst, and she came after me, than... That means I'm a big threat?" I ask Hylla, a little bit afraid.

Hylla sighed. "You catch on quickly. I'd like to figure that out too. But , I'll have to talk to Yoda"

I blink... "Did you just say... Yoda... Like Star Wars?"

Hylla smiles. "He will want to meet you. Soon enough but now, what you need is rest... And time to process everything.”

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